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user, Xfce-Look.cp1.hive01.com EDITOR
hive 01
Name:joni  lu (m)
company / project:hive 01
Job status:student
Country:Stuttgart, Germany
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neues aus der anstalt
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Urban Terror 4
Email:Contact jalpaka
Registered:Apr 14 2009
Last visit:Aug 6 2010
My PC:
AMD 3800+ X2
Abit AN8 Ultra (NForce 4 Ultra chipset)
2 gb ram
200gb + 640gb hdd
2x 19\' TFTs (samsung)
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OpenDesktop.org Sponsoring Project - Support us
is gnome 3.0 specs the way to go
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Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!
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openDesktop.org improvement group

Jul 31 2010 15:19jalpaka is now fan of "KRename"
Mar 7 2010 01:22jalpaka is now fan of "Themebuilder mockup"
Mar 7 2010 01:22jalpaka is now fan of "Minimized Notifications"
Mar 7 2010 01:22jalpaka is now fan of "Uniform look for search bar"
Mar 7 2010 01:17jalpaka is now fan of "Mockups for Photo Management Application"
Mar 7 2010 01:14jalpaka is now fan of "Kdm theme generator"
Mar 7 2010 01:14jalpaka is now fan of "Colibri"
Mar 7 2010 01:13jalpaka is now fan of "KCM webcam support "
Nov 9 2009 13:02jalpaka is now fan of "Bangarang"
Oct 9 2009 17:06jalpaka is now fan of "kcm_touchpad"
Sep 30 2009 20:39jalpaka is now fan of "Smb4K"
Sep 22 2009 13:18jalpaka and RiNcE-wInD are now friends.
Aug 12 2009 11:45jalpaka is now fan of "kvpnc"
Aug 12 2009 11:40jalpaka no longer attends the event "FOSS4G 2009 international conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial"
Aug 12 2009 11:39jalpaka has created the event "FOSS4G 2009 international conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial"
Aug 11 2009 11:35jalpaka and eddies are now friends.
Aug 9 2009 22:42hope to see a twitter integration on opendesktop.org sooner than later :)
Aug 9 2009 19:30jalpaka has updated the profile page.
Aug 4 2009 22:20happy about new kde 4.3..waiting for kdemod updates (server has to update...can take more than 24hours :O)
Jul 31 2009 10:20jalpaka no longer attends the event "10. Linux-Bierwanderung 2009"
Jul 31 2009 10:19jalpaka has created the event "10. Linux-Bierwanderung 2009"
Jul 31 2009 09:46help improving opendesktop.org - join our user group to discuss...
Jul 30 2009 12:06jalpaka has created the group "openDesktop.org improvement group"
Jul 28 2009 14:08jalpaka attends the event "WOBLUG-Vortrag: Freie Fahrt für Freie Software"
Jul 28 2009 14:03prepared a site with howtos where you can find information how to add opendesktop.org stuff on your site/blog
Jul 27 2009 11:10jalpaka has created the group "Open-PC discussion group"
Jul 21 2009 13:14happy birthday to everyone whose birthday is today ;)
Jul 19 2009 00:17jalpaka and neverendingo are now friends.
Jul 17 2009 13:59jalpaka no longer attends the event "droidcon"
Jul 17 2009 13:58jalpaka has created the event "droidcon"

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