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What defines an original theme
Mar 27 2010  on group We want new themes!

So you don't like the themes (or variations on it) very much.

The question that pops up is then: What defines a original theme and successfull at the same time?

- a metacity-theme with a different button-layout? ah well, read the reactions on the new ubuntu-layout...

- a dark theme? ah well, not every application is readable with a dark theme and is a strain on the eyes after 15 minutes...

- I could go on for hours on the usability of a theme.

The point I'm trying to make is that if you want a theme to be succesfull and widely applied you end up with a mix of things that eventually will look like... tons of other themes out here...

new themes
Mar 21 2010  on group We want new themes!

I second the idea of providing gnome with themes that are fresh and original.

As a themer myself (view my content) I've always tried to bring something new.

However, it is not easy to create a theme from the ground up. So basically every themer out here is basically modifying an existing theme. Every GTKRC-file (the basis of the theme) is different and difficult to understand because they have been modifying (and sometimes ruined) so many times. Even I - I'm theming now for several years - have to rely on trial-and-error-methods to make a theme, because so many things have been deleted and added or modified in the GTKRC-file.

So, before commenting, you should try to understand that theming is a tedious and time-consuming process.

I cannot help noticing that none of the members in this group have contributing anything here on gnome-look. Try it for yourself before commenting on the work of others. It would add weight to your arguments...

Re: Lucid NextG
Mar 11 2010  on content Lucid NextG

Some like them big, the other small.

It has not been easy, rewriting the new wave-theme, and I'm having problems reducing the space between the buttons. That's why the buttons are the given size.

Anyone familiar with the New Wave Metacity theme and can help me on that issue?

Re: interesting...
Mar 8 2010  on content New Wave Lucid theme

Well I'll be updating the theme shortly with a slightly darker orange (E96336) for the menu-items (your proposed color is a bit to dark for me) and changed the style of the menu-items to be more flat. Which gives it a smoother look.

I usually work with pixmaps-themes. These are easier to work with because you can use images to get where you want.

So I'm a bit in the dark here. This is the first time I'm playing with the murrine-theme. And I do not know how to add what you've proposed...

Re: Great Job :)
Mar 7 2010  on content New Wave Lucid theme

Well the new 'default'-colors are disputable, but they are an improvement. I do not know anybody that actually liked the former brown-orange theme.

This theme uses the shiki-wise GTK-theme and the new-wave-metacity to get the best compatibility on any application.

There are a lot of theme's out here that fail miserably on that issue.


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