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Sep 30 2008  on content Ink

Not my style, but this is very nice. One of the most creative theme's I've seen.

Good job on this.

Re: aeronic
Sep 28 2008  on group This Is Not An Aero Clone

Why would someone use Windows just for the look? Just because they like how it looks, doesn't mean that they want the rest of the OS.
Linux is about freedom. We should be able to use any themes we want, even if that means taking Windows themes.

Of course, there is a limit. We really don't need so many Vista themes for emerald or GTK. One or two good ones are all that's really necessary.

(Note: I don't use any Windows or Mac themes. But people should be able to use what they want.)

Re: Opening it up
Jun 5 2008  on group kubuntu is better than ubuntu

Ubuntu can run KDE apps, Kubuntu can run Gnome apps, so switching distros isn't going to change anything. It's more than the programs... it's about the DE itself, how settings are changed, what options are available, etc.

I think the "KDE vs Gnome" fight is stupid. It all comes down to personal taste. I prefer Gnome to KDE, but I'd never try to say that it's better.

Transparency Settings
May 27 2008  on content Murrine GTK+ Cairo Engine

Will the final RGBA version support per-theme transparency settings? I tried a version of this (not sure what version), and it seemed to do transparency automatically, with a fixed amount.
It'd be nice if it did support a setting, because the theme that I plan on making needs more transparency for the window backgrounds.

Re: Tags
Apr 23 2008  on group improved voting system

Another thing (although not exactly related to the voting system) is that the tags would allow better searches. Technically, a theme can be named anything, making it harder to find a specific type. The tags would make finding certain themes easier.

It would also allow for a filter during searches, which might also reduce biased voting. If you don't like Vista, just block that tag, and you won't see any more Vista-based themes. People won't feel as obligated to vote low on something that they think is appearing too much.

Re: brainstorming
Apr 23 2008  on group improved voting system

Just to clarify... When I made the suggestion to remove the bad voting and only allow good, I was suggesting something more along the lines of deviantArt, where scores are measured by how many people like it, rather than having a constant struggle between who likes it and who doesn't.
Really, it's kind of based on how I usually vote: If I like it, I vote good, to show that there's one more person who likes it. If I don't like it, I just move on to something else. Just because I don't like it doesn't make it bad, and doesn't mean other people shouldn't like it.

But I've started to realise that such a system probably wouldn't work, at least not here.

Apr 23 2008  on group improved voting system

I don't really like suggesting this, because it'd probably be really difficult (or just really time-consuming) to implement...

What if there was a system of tags for themes, where you could put some keywords to describe the theme, such as "OS X," "Human," "Blue," etc. Then if someone goes through and votes bad on a bunch of themes with similar tags (or made by the same person), their voting power will be diminished on those types of themes.
That way, there won't be as much bias by one person towards a particular type of theme.

Of course, this won't help force people to leave constructive comments, but at least it might help keep people from pointlessly voting low.

Apr 15 2008  on group it's not play button

I think a good way to keep people from voting down is just to remove the good/bad buttons altogether. Instead, there should just be an "I like this" button. That way, scores are measured by how many people like it.


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