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artist public
Name:León Asad Castillejos (m)
company / project:BluHaze
Birthday:Mar 20 1983
Job status:student
Country:Madrid, Spain
Google Maps
Open Source projects, Linux, GNOME, KDE, FluxBox, deviantART, Creative Commons.
Don't likes:
Windows, AERO, trashed old computers (just because W$ won't run on them), "cloud" computing
Graphics, overclocking, nettops, netbooks, netbooting, E17.
Spanish, English.
Programming languages:
Python (basics)
Favourite quote:
"Nothing to be worried about - it's an erroneous error message!" - Husse (Linux Mint moderator)
Favourite music:
Industrial, Metal, Ambient.
Favourite games:
Crysis, Xonotic, Open Arena, Alien Arena, Tremulous, Quake, Doom, Unreal Tournament, Half Life.
About me:
Spanish geek and Linux gamer who loves all the FOSS.
Email:Contact Beyecixramd
Messenger:Google Talk beyecixramd@gmail.com
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:beyecixramd
Registered:Jul 2 2009
Last visit:Jan 6 2011
My PC:
Intel Dual Core 2'66 Ghz
2 Gb RAM
nVidia 8800 GTS 512 Mb
nVidia 680i SLI
1 TB HDD (ext4)
1 TB HDD (ext4)
Operating System:
Arch Linux

This Is Not An Aero Clone
Divided we Fail
Unix lovers
Amarok Users
Theme Creation App
Fedora Users
Death to Windows
Next Generation Windows Manager
Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!
Dark themes
ubuntu haters
Linux is an OS
Linux Gamers

Sep 5 2009 02:11Beyecixramd is now fan of "Audio/Video/Image/Text/ISO Convert"
Sep 3 2009 17:21Beyecixramd is now fan of "Blendish"
Aug 7 2009 10:48Beyecixramd is now fan of "Black-Diamond"
Aug 7 2009 10:44Beyecixramd is now fan of "Murrina Redmond"
Aug 4 2009 22:40Beyecixramd is now fan of "Aluminum-Alloy"
Jul 31 2009 11:53Beyecixramd is now fan of "Belgrade OS X theme"
Jul 25 2009 22:28Beyecixramd is now fan of "Curves Lock Theme Without Keyboard Box"
Jul 21 2009 20:32Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Humanity Ubuntu"
Jul 21 2009 20:05Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Industrial Fedora"
Jul 21 2009 19:50Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Galactic Linux Mint KDE"
Jul 21 2009 19:47Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Galactic Linux Mint Splash"
Jul 21 2009 19:42Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Galactic Linux Mint"
Jul 8 2009 09:27Beyecixramd has joined the group "Fedora Users"
Jul 2 2009 09:04Beyecixramd has joined the group "Unix lovers"
Jul 2 2009 09:03Beyecixramd has joined the group "ubuntu haters"
Jul 2 2009 09:03Beyecixramd has joined the group "Windows Haters"
Jul 2 2009 08:48Beyecixramd is now fan of "Lights"
Jul 2 2009 08:34Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Transparent Gnome bars"
Jul 2 2009 08:32Beyecixramd has updated: "Transparent Gnome bars"
Jul 2 2009 08:32Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Transparent Gnome bars"
Jul 2 2009 08:27Beyecixramd has updated: "Transparent Gnome bars"
Jul 2 2009 08:24Beyecixramd has uploaded: "Transparent Gnome bars"
Jul 2 2009 08:20Beyecixramd has updated the profile page.
Jul 2 2009 08:15Beyecixramd registered at "GNOME-Look.org"

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Contact Beyecixramd
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