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artist public
Name:lxtwin . (m)
Birthday:Dec 22 1964
Job status:working
Country:london, United Kingdom
Relaxing with people I like and having a beer.

Spending time with my daughters.
Don't likes:
Heights and people who think that they are better then they are.
Too much social media.
When people think that watching YouTube is as good as doing it.
Photography and cycling.
Programming languages:
Assembler, C, shell stuff
Favourite quote:
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Winston Churchill
Favourite music:
Pearl Jam, Depeche Mode and The offspring.
Favourite tv shows:
House, Captain Scarlet and any type of Batman
Favourite movies:
leon, Nikita, Seven, the day the earth stood still
Favourite books:
Scrapbook - Henri Cartier-Bresson
Don McCullin - Don McCullin
The Americans - Robert Frank
Magnum Magnum - Brigitte Lardinois
The Roma Journeys - Joakim Eskildsen

Lotus Esprit - The Official Story
Favourite games:
mouse trap and haunted house.
About me:
Realised that it is time to work less and give more instead of working more and giving less.
Email:Contact lxtwin
Registered:Apr 30 2007
Last visit:Aug 8 2014
My PC:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
32GB memory
2 x 512GB SSD
12TB Disk
Operating System:
Mint 16

Linux OS vs Windows OS

Jun 10 2014 00:06lxtwin posted a comment "Another good one"
Jun 10 2014 00:06lxtwin posted a comment "Anotehr good one"
Jun 10 2014 00:05lxtwin voted content "On a top in Ulten" up
Jun 10 2014 00:05lxtwin voted content "a valley in Ulten" up
Jun 10 2014 00:02lxtwin posted a comment "A great image"
Jun 7 2014 09:33lxtwin posted a comment "thanks mate"
May 30 2014 11:51lxtwin posted a comment "I like this a lot"
May 30 2014 11:50lxtwin voted content "Cosmic Ocean 1920x1200" up
May 30 2014 00:53lxtwin voted content "lookin' like organ pipes" up
May 30 2014 00:53lxtwin posted a comment "Great Image"
May 30 2014 00:45lxtwin has updated: "The Moon"
May 30 2014 00:42lxtwin has uploaded: "Its Windy"
May 30 2014 00:42lxtwin has uploaded: "On the right track"
May 30 2014 00:40lxtwin has updated: "TO"
May 30 2014 00:40lxtwin has uploaded: "TO"
May 30 2014 00:38lxtwin has uploaded: "More Swans"
May 30 2014 00:37lxtwin has uploaded: "White Swans"
May 30 2014 00:33lxtwin has uploaded: "Southend-On-Sea"
May 30 2014 00:30lxtwin has uploaded: "Snow Tree"
May 30 2014 00:28lxtwin has uploaded: "On the Deck"
May 30 2014 00:24lxtwin has uploaded: "Only Stones"
May 30 2014 00:22lxtwin has uploaded: "leaf"
May 30 2014 00:20lxtwin has uploaded: "Winter yet ?"
May 30 2014 00:11lxtwin has uploaded: "In France"
May 30 2014 00:00lxtwin has uploaded: "Hidden"
May 29 2014 23:57lxtwin has uploaded: "Forrest"
May 29 2014 23:51lxtwin has updated: "Flower 7"
May 29 2014 23:48lxtwin has uploaded: "Flower 7"
May 29 2014 23:44lxtwin has uploaded: "Flower 6"
May 29 2014 23:42lxtwin has uploaded: "Flower 5"

 1  2  3  4 

Contact lxtwin
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