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Re: Does not work (or what?!)
Dec 22 2008  on content Ubuntu Dust

Themes should work right away but engines won't per se. You must restart at least X.ORG if not the computer.

Yes I would chock this up to being a dumb Mac OS X user if not for the fact that they make it extremely difficult to change the GUI appearance of the operating system and you probably wouldn't have had much theme experience with Mac to steer you in the wrong direction. If you HAD gotten theming to work with Mac and understood all of the steps, installed all the required proprietary third-party software which would have eventually asked you to restart at least twice and then came here wondering why this GNOME engine was not working when you hadn't restarted the X.ORG server or the computer only once, I would call you a retard. Next time you go to your Mac, why don't you try this out? Install a third party Atheros wifi card and then track down the driver, install, use it for your internet, and then update through Apple, enjoy. I never thought that I could hate a company and it's practices more than Microsoft until I tried using Mac.

I love this man
Sep 24 2007  on content SmoothBluXfce

This theme is very close to my favorite of all time for my Xfce or Gnome desktops :D

Thanks bro!

May 13 2007  on content Seamless

I always come across these themes that I love but none of theme have edge detection for title buttons in the corner when at a full maximization! ARGH

Re: iconset?
May 13 2007  on content Gentle XFCE

Yeah, sure, it's call Nuove XT and I love the theme:

edge detection. . .
May 9 2007  on content Evo Devo

I absolutely love your theme, is there anyway that you could add some edge detection to it? I don't like to look at the edges when something is maximized in order to aim for the button.

I throw my cursor up at the corner and click. . . I LOVE YOUR THEME thank you.

a little work
Apr 23 2007  on content Midnite Theme

I really like the direction that this theme is taking.

The only thing that I can think of wrong with it is that it's too dark and one other thing. Lighten up the black and lighten up the blue make the metacity theme use the gradients of the GTK theme and apply that semi-metallic look universally to said GTK theme.


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