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Re: Re: Re: Re: Works?
Jan 17 2010  on content Yellow Dot - Left Handed !

Also check out http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/CursorXP+to+X11+Mouse+Theme+Converter?content=72405

Re: Re: Works?
Jan 17 2010  on content Yellow Dot - Left Handed !

Oh are you converting a cursor to left-handed? Yea grapically just h-flipping it works but the click point will still be for a right-handed cursor. You gotta edit the .conf file for the cursor in the "sources" directory to move it around so that it matches where the picture is pointing. I did it trial and error. If you download mine you'll see the values I used though they might not fit the cursor you're working on as the pictures might not be pointing to the right place but it'll give you a good starting point.

Cool util...
Jan 17 2010  on content CursorXP/FX to X11 Mouse Theme Converter

...thanks for thinking of the lefties!

Left handed cursor
Jan 17 2010  on content Aero Mouse Cursors with Drop Shadow

Thanks for making both right and left handed cursors, I had to convert a theme I liked since no-one was doing that at the time. I'm going to investigate your click points... :)

Re: Re: Works?
Jan 17 2010  on content Yellow Dot - Left Handed !

Oh are you converting a cursor to left-handed? Yea grapically just h-flipping it works but the click point will still be for a right-handed cursor. You gotta edit the .conf file for the cursor in the "sources" directory to move it around so that it matches where the picture is pointing. I did it trial and error. If you download mine you'll see the values I used though they might not fit the cursor you're working on as the pictures might not be pointing to the right place but it'll give you a good starting point.

Re: Works?
Jan 15 2010  on content Yellow Dot - Left Handed !

Its pretty darn close. If anything its slightly to the right of the tip of the cursor. EG when I try to click and drag a highlight from a thin letter like the second "l" in "llamas", the tip of the cursor has to be slightly to the left of the l otherwise it misses it and starts with the a. But we're talking two or three pixels here.

May 16 2007  on content Yellow Dot - Left Handed !

Now with more accurate click-point for the main pointer! :)

Re: Less than eternity
May 13 2007  on poll How long do you know KDE-Look?

Haha yes I sympathise as I am a 3 months kubuntu user with only marginal red hat exposure so feeling the difference from know all of windows to knowing nothing!


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