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Aero Mouse Cursors with Drop Shadow


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 76%
Aero Mouse Cursors with Drop Shadow

Aero Mouse Cursors with Drop Shadow

Aero Mouse Cursors with Drop Shadow

Link:  http://
Downloads:  109233
Submitted:  Oct 14 2007
Updated:  Jan 12 2008


My first contribution ever to kde-look.org.

Note that these cursor themes use symlinks for some cursors in order to reduce the size of the theme, and because hey, why duplicate data? If you have a problem where only 1 or 2 cursors show up in the theme, then somehow, the extraction didn't work properly. I would suggest doing something like:

cd /home/yourname/.icons/
tar zxvf /path/to/theme.tar.gz

That will preserve the symlinks properly.

Also, I am aware of and understand the desire to shun anything Microsoft. I look at it like this:

* Just because Microsoft sucks doesn't mean they can't make good mouse cursors.
* It's fun to know that you can make your FOSS system look like something that people pay $150 for.
* Anything that makes new Linux people feel more comfortable with it is good.

Script to Convert CursorXP themes to X11 is available:


1-12-08 - Fixed some problems with the left-handed corner drag cursors, and made the wait cursor go clockwise instead of counter.

1-11-08 - Cursor sizes dramatically reduced by using symlinks for duplicates. Added left handed versions of all cursors!

12-24-07 - All themes have been updated to include a proper index.theme file. Hopefully this will resolve the problems some were having with Gnome. Let me know if you still have issues.

10-18-07 - The text selection and precision cursors are now correct in the Aero themes, with one exception: I added a 50% translucent 1px white border around those two, as I found I couldn't see the cursors against a black background.
* There were tons of extra files in the old tar.gz that I removed to make a leaner download.
* Also, of course, large cursors have been added!

(Aero Mouse)
(Aero Mouse with Drop Shadow)
(Aero Mouse Large)
(Aero Mouse Large with Drop Shadow)
(Aero Mouse Extra Large)
(Aero Mouse Extra Large with Drop Shadow)
(Aero Mouse - Left)
(Aero Mouse with Drop Shadow - Left)
(Aero Mouse Large - Left)
(Aero Mouse Large with Drop Shadow - Left)
(Aero Mouse Extra Large - Left)
(Aero Mouse Extra Large with Drop Shadow - Left)
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 find a problem

 by alazyrabbit on: Sep 18 2010
Score 50%

when I used your cursors on my Gentoo system, my click operation preform a double-click operation.

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 The best there is.

 by Meteorrock on: Jan 8 2013
Score 50%
Kubuntu / Open Source /QT5+wayland

Best cursors here! Windows does it right with cursors. :)

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 by Moony on: Apr 29 2015
Score 50%

I had some app (and kwin) crashing with aero-large-drop on my new F22/KDE5 setup. I've since added some missing cursors to my local version of it, and haven't had crashes from that since. Any other people running KDE5 with experiences like that?

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