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Re: KDE 4
Oct 13 2008  on group KDE 4.2... a good alternative

KDE4 is actually coming along quite well but it still is unable to replace KDE3 for me. Looking at the new Mandriva release I can say that KDE4 is plenty usable but KDE3 I feel is still better.

Re: Re: Kubuntu v Ubuntu
Jun 4 2008  on group kubuntu is better than ubuntu

I know they share repositories but and you can install the same things on both but I bet people are picking up a Kubuntu CD and expecting it to have all the features of Ubuntu and being left with the thought that Kubuntu is inferior. Granted I have not done a clean install of Kubuntu in a few versions now so this may not be as obvious as it was when I installed Feisty.

Kubuntu v Ubuntu
Jun 3 2008  on group kubuntu is better than ubuntu

I have always liked KDE better than Gnome and wondered why people tend to prefer Gnome. I wish Kubuntu was the main version rather than being secondary. It seems Ubuntu gets the good stuff and over time it has to work it's way into Kubuntu.

May 20 2008  on group Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!

I have seen this happen a couple times where I have found something I like and when I went to download it, it couldn't find the webpage. They need to either clean their code up or setup a broken link button.

Re: Next Mockup
May 12 2008  on group Improved Website Layout

Maybe for the groups, when the group is created a checkbox for each of the OpenDesktop sites so the group's creater can choose where they show up. I know some of the groups can span a few of the sites whereas some may only fit into 1 or two of the sites.

Re: hmm
May 12 2008  on group Improved Website Layout

I think it is because so many of the OpenDesktop sites overlap. This could easily be solved though by combining a couple of the sites but further categorizing them. For example there is no need for things like Kubuntu-art if there was like a kubuntu category in KDE-look or maybe general category such as "distro specific".

new design
May 7 2008  on group Improved Website Layout

I think all the *-look.org and -art.org sites need to combine and then break down the categories a little more. The current setup causes the same things to be uploaded multiple times.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Syst
Apr 13 2008  on group Kubuntu-users

Actually I think MSN changed something because I can't connect to it through Pidgin either.

Re: Genepool
Apr 11 2008  on group Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!

Comic Sans needs banned.

Anyways what is the groups stance on well designed Ubuntu wallpapers? One's that are not just a logo slapped on someone else's wallpaper. Something like this:
I know it is Kubuntu but I think the policy of don't slap a logo on someone else's work, make it look like trash and post it as your own should be for every distro.


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