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GTKRC (themes)


Well, I think there are a lot of new themers who have
trouble understanding gtkrc and think that the widget
factory is some magical app that once you have that
installed and you know how to use it theming becomes
very easy.

So this group I thought I'd start because I know there
are a lot of experienced themers here with a lot of
knowledge and a lot of new themers which have a lot
of questions.

This would be the place to discuss possible bugs
and fixes and ideas and such.

I think we need a place like this because:
"No problem should ever have to be solved twice."

Join if you have any knowledge in gtkrc or are interested
in starting making themes and contributing to this

Useful links:

Object hierarchy (very useful for figuring out how to assign different classes and widgets and for figuring out why things got messed up during your last edit): http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/ch01.html

Nice set of useful links on a number of topic: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/UsefulLinks

Well linked theming tutorial: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes

Yet another guide to theming: http://orford.org/gtk/

Another great set of links (some to the ones above, but there are more): http://www.gtk.org/documentation.html

You can spend a lot of time clicking around live.gnome.org's stuff and get a lot of really useful information.


Created:Apr 17 2008
Changed:Apr 24 2008
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 by dartagnan on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

Hello, I would like to learn to it use twf. us and' some leader? or from where it is begun?

Reply to this


 Re: twf

 by TheRob on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

Hi, what distro are you using?

\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: twf

 by dartagnan on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

ubuntu 7.10

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: twf

 by TheRob on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

to install:

sudo apt-get install thewidgetfactory

to run:

press alt + f2 and type twf *press enter*

twf is only a theme preview program so
it does absolutely nothing but just lists
all the widgets in one window... but it's
great if you make changes to the theme
and want to see what it looks like before
you reload the whole theme.

have phun!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: twf

 by dartagnan on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

Thanks. but to create a subject?

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: twf

 by TheRob on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

hmmm, what do you mean... sorry, I don't


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by dartagnan on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

I wanted to know if us and' some application for create subjects. excuse for my English, I translate and I write with freespeak.thanks one thousand however friend.



 by code933k on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

What he is trying to say is how he does create a theme... Right?

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Translation...

 by dartagnan on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%


Reply to this


 Re: Translation.

 by twrock on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

(Ok, I'll start....)

Since I am quite new to making themes, maybe I can offer a little help on getting started, at least just to say how I started. However, I am a Ubuntu user, so I don't know if every other distribution has the same storage system.

I basically just started by modifying someone else's theme. (Actually it was a theme by TheRob.) I did not start by reading tutorials, but maybe that is a better way. (BTW, would it be helpful if we started a thread of just links to useful stuff we've found on the web?)

If you want to see what you will be working with,download a theme you like and install it. To find the theme on your computer, start the file browser (Nautilus), and make sure you click "Show Hidden Files" in the View menu. You can then look for the ".themes" folder and click on that. In that folder you will find sub-folders of each of the themes you have installed (not the themes that came with Ubuntu; those are somewhere else).

In each theme folder there will be a sub-folder called "gtk-2.0". In that folder will be a file called "gtkrc". That is a special kind of text file that contains the information that defines the theme. If you open that with something like "Text Editor" (gedit), you will start to see how themes are "coded".

One thing you can start to do is to experiment with changing the code and then see what it does in The Widget Factory. Each time you make a change in the "gtkrc" file, you will have to save that file. Then choose a different theme in TWF and then choose your theme again. Then you will see the change.

If the theme you are working on has "pixmap" graphic files (often those are in more sub-folders), you can open those and start to see how things fit together with the code in the gtkrc file.

I don't know if that is a helpful "start" or not. But it is only a start. There is a lot to learn about making themes, and even after a couple of months of working on a couple of themes, I still feel I have a very limited understanding of it.


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 Re: Re: Translation.

 by dartagnan on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

many thanks

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Translation.

 by TheRob on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

Good idea man!

If you find some useful links please paste
them here in a comment and I will put them
in the theme description :)

Glad to see you here helping me out ;D


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Translation.

 by fredbird67 on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

TWRock, I'm the same way. In my case, I switched over the winter from using KDE for four years to using GNOME, and I too have wished that there were GTK tutorials that spelled everything out. It's like everything I've found so far seems to be tailored to those who are already hackers or something. What we need is a GTK theming tutorial that is designed with the GTK newbie in mind.

Case in point: I've always wanted to know what to change to make the text white on the top and bottom taskbars or whatever you call them in GNOME, so that I can use a darker wallpaper and make those panels transparent yet have the text be white instead of its default black so that I can see the panel text.

Nevertheless, I've been dabbling in GTK themes as of late, but, TWRock, like you, all I've done so far is modify the colors of existing themes, such as my "Ubunteal" and "St. Macrick's Day" themes, the latter of which involved going into the GIMP and re-colorizing all the widgets and such.

I'm kinda-sorta learning my way, but it sure feels like a lot of trial and error -- mostly error. LOL

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Translat

 by twrock on: Apr 21 2008
Score 50%

I had a look at Ubunteal (nice colors) and here is what you can do to start experimenting. You need to create a new style in your gtkrc file, something like this:

#Note - This style is for panel colors
style "panel" = "default"
fg[NORMAL] = "#a3a3a3"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#f0f0f0"
fg[SELECTED] = "#000000"

bg[NORMAL] = "#ff00ff"
bg[PRELIGHT] = "#00ff00"
bg[ACTIVE] = "#ffff00"
bg[SELECTED] = "#0000ff"
bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#ff0000"
#End panel stuff

Then you are going to need to figure out the classes for the panel stuff and add those to your other classes (at the end of the file will probably be fine).
Here is a list to start with:

class "*Mail*" style "panel"
class "*notif*" style "panel"
class "*Notif*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel"
widget_class "*notif*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Notif*" style "panel"
widget_class "*BonoboDockItem" style "panel"
class "*BonoboDockItem" style "panel"
class "*Panel*Applet*" style "panel"
widget_class "*.Panel*Button*GtkLabel" style "panel"
widget_class "*.Panel*GtkLabel" style "panel"
widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Netstatus*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Tomboy*Tray*" style "panel"
widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "panel"
class "Xfce*Panel*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "panel"
widget_class "*PanelApplet*" style "panel"
widget_class "*PanelWidget*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Panel*Widget*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Panel*Tray*" style "panel"
widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton" style "panel"
widget_class "*Tasklist*" style "panel"

After you've saved and reloaded your theme, you are going to see some really weird colors. Go ahead and change your panel to transparent and you'll start to see what you were looking for.Then just start playing around with those colors to get what you want.

BTW, one of the "tricks of the trade" is to create a style for testing purposes. Similar to what I did here with really bright base colors, you can create a "test" style and leave it in your theme. Then you can assign a class/widget_class to that style and quickly see if you have made the right "connection". I hope that makes sense. You can have a look at the gtkrc in NoNameRetro if you want to know more about what I mean.

Finally, some themes (ex. NoNameRetro) have other "*.rc" files in the folder that are referenced from the gtkrc file. NNR has "panel.rc", so that is where all the stuff having to do with the panels is defined. So if you are looking to explore someone elses theme, make sure you open all the "*.rc" files too.


Reply to this


 Re: Re: Translation...

 by TheRob on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

Yeah! that was how I started too...

The tools I use and know that most of the
themers use is:

The GIMP (graphics editing software)
Gedit (Text editor)

that's it, I think that the absolute easiest
way to learn how the gtkrc works is just to
study the file and try to understand what does
what, for example , when you see something

class "*Panel*" style "panel"

you know that that style is applied to the

As twrock mentioned , and I know that
you are familiar with the pixmaps engine,
(it draws png files to the widgets)

A good thing to know is how much space
is allocated to the borders of a pixmap
when using pixmaps engine, for example
if you see something like this:

function = BOX
state = NORMAL
recolorable = TRUE
file = "/button/button-normal.png"
border ={ 8 ,8 , 8 ,8}
stretch = TRUE

here I have allocated 8 pixels from every
side of the button (that means that
the 8 first pixels from each side is not
stretched, this is very important if you
for example have very round button
where much allocation is needed.

I don't know, I'm not very good to explain
,it's all explained very good here:


hope this helps in any way!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Re: Translat

 by dartagnan on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

many thanks robert

Reply to this


 Helpful links

 by twrock on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

Here are some links I have found helpful:

Object hierarchy (very useful for figuring out how to assign different classes and widgets and for figuring out why things got messed up during your last edit): http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/ch01.html

Nice set of useful links on a number of topic: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/UsefulLinks

Well linked theming tutorial: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes

Yet another guide to theming: http://orford.org/gtk/

Another great set of links (some to the ones above, but there are more): http://www.gtk.org/documentation.html

You can spend a lot of time clicking around live.gnome.org's stuff and get a lot of really useful information.

Reply to this


 Re: Helpful links

 by TheRob on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%


they are in the description now :)



\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Helpful link

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Apr 23 2008
Score 50%

The most useful page for me has been the gtk reference manual : http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/

The bonobo libraries are also a useful read if you want to do interesting things with the panel. I know that it sounds a little excessive , but knowing the widgets and their properties will both save time and improve your results in the long run.

Unfortunately , some apps (even gnome standard apps like evolution or epiphany) use allot of custom widgets and will probably look like crap if the theme you are creating is complex. In these cases the only solution i am aware of, is downloading the source code of the app and searching there (apt-get source name-of-the-app for debian based systems) ... The widgets are usually defined inside header files (the files with an .h suffix) so search there and don't forget , grep is your friend :) .

Reading source code is useful even when you want to skin certain standard widgets in a different way than the rest of the theme through absolute paths (if you want a certain toolbar to look different than the rest for example). Absolute paths describe where the widget is located in relation to the other widgets of the app, so they usualy start with a GtkWindow . The * wildcard is a helpful tool especialy when you are searching for the correct path to a widget . Say for example that you want to skin a certain toolbar and can't read source code. You can start your effort with a line like that :

widget_class "GtkWindow.*.GtkToolbar" style "custom-toolbar"

This line will probably skin the toolbar that you want along with others that you don't. You can then for example try :

widget_class "GtkWindow.GtkH*.GtkToolbar" style "custom-toolbar"

If this line still skins the desired toolbar , search the gtk reference manual for widgets starting with GtkH . When you've found the correct widget through trial and error move to the next widget in line till you have a more complete path that only skins the desired toolbar. The * wildcard is very useful but it also makes themes slower (seeking takes time) so use it only when you must in the finished skin (the gnome panel comes to mind).

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Helpful

 by TheRob on: Apr 24 2008
Score 50%


That info comes highly welcome in this

And thanks for the link!

You don't happen to know the exact class
of GnomePanel????

That is one thing I've been trying to find
out.... since that is the thing that's been
keeping me fixing "bugs" in my themes.

Anyway , that was highly helpful!

In my own experience the * doesn't really
slow don a theme that much so that it
would be noticeable but yeah, it slows
it down nontheless... what was that
app called that tested the speed of themes?

Azel is looking hot!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Helpful

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Apr 26 2008
Score 50%

A good app for benchmarks is gtkperf . I have done some experiments and wildcards do slow themes down.

As for gnome panel ... it's a mess and some applets are an even bigger one. There is a PanelToplevel widget but not all applet sit on top of it. Some applets are plugged into BonoboPlug , others have non standard sized icons (deskbar) or custom widgets ... Also , some panel widgets are used where they shouldn't (create launcher dialog or log out dialog comes to mind) so even if you try to be specific with the panel widgets you will still get screwed :P . In truth , the panel needs to be rewritten along with most applets with standardization in mind. If i am not mistaken this is also part of the gnome roadmap ( ditching Bonobo and improving theming support) .

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by TheRob on: Apr 27 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for the heads up on the bench app!

Yeah the panel is really a mess... I have
spent many hours trying to resolve the
problems related to it.... haven't got
much bug reports on it lately so I hope
it's fairly good now....(my panel code I mean)

I think the panel needs a least a way to
load a pixmap as a BOX and that when a
panel is putted vertical the pixmap
follows and not being shown 114 times
in a vertical row.....

Yeah enough of my blabbering and complaining
when in fact I should be highly greatful
for what I have.

Glad to hear about the roadmap!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by code933k on: Apr 29 2008
Score 50%

There is also some utility in the experience engine lib allowing to see what widgets are used by apps.

PS:// I don't see anything about such gnome-panel concerns at the road map... May be a little fix to the pixbuf library is what is needed.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by code933k on: Apr 29 2008
Score 50%

- pixmap - sorry.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by code933k on: Apr 29 2008
Score 50%

- pixmap - sorry.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.


 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by SkiesOfAzel on: Apr 29 2008
Score 50%

They have changed the roadmap a bit and rephrased some parts since releasing v2.22 but the new applet library and other enchantments will hopefully help to fix the mess.
The pixbuf engine sure needs some improvements and i am not just talking about bug fixes. Hardware acceleration, native vector/svg support greater control on tiling and placement of the pixmap (css like) are some things that will help allot i think.


 Re: Helpful links

 by dartagnan on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

many thanks for the information and the interest

Reply to this


 My advises

 by szerencsefia on: Apr 29 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Hi all Team Mate!
I am new in this group and I found it interesting to help others tho. Here come few advises from me.
a) Keep in mind that all users might have their own way how the desktop, panels are in order. Some has vertical setup (mostly wild screen users) some has horizontal. Therefore your theme should be tested all the time on several different ways but don't give a damn to waist your time to fix all the problems in the first release.
b) Release your progress in numerical sequence (i.e. 0.0.1 - first release for testing; 1.0 - first completed release).
c) Do not give up when others don't like your creation. Your later release might get better taste.
d) Complete your theme before start a new one. You will feel better when it's done and you will have 'space' to start on create of new one.
e) Always ask for feedbacks from users to increase your ability by learning from earlier mistakes/successes. This is the minimum exchange you should get from others for your time you spent on theming.
f) Have your own backup of all files you have been using for the theme in case you need to change or add somethin' later on.
g) Don't be lazy to fix up the theme if a bug has been found by someone.
h) Ask for help from other themer if you don't have solution for somethin'.
That is all so far. I may add some more later if you liked it.

My staff will be available for download when the new voting system starts. Until that you can get them from my homepage.

Reply to this


 Re: My advises

 by TheRob on: Apr 29 2008
Score 50%


That was great, tho I feel like g was directed
right at me! :D

Anyway, that was some really great advise!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: My advises

 by szerencsefia on: Apr 29 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Robert, it is nothing personal. I meant to implement to take responsibility for ones creation. I do know that you have done that.

My staff will be available for download when the new voting system starts. Until that you can get them from my homepage.

Reply to this


 I need a hand.

 by szerencsefia on: May 6 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Does anyone know what codes are affecting the ComboBox text and ComboBox-item text colors (ofc hover too)?
I wanna setup a different color from the gtk colors but I cannot figure out what code is changing the ComboBox alone.
Any idea?

My staff is available on my homepage.

Reply to this


 Re: I need a hand.

 by TheRob on: May 6 2008
Score 50%

I had a similar problem with a dark theme
ones... I think it's actually the
text [NORMAL] and

and then I think it's

widget_class "optionmenu"


style "optionmenu" = "default"
#this fixes the combobox when using white inputboxes
text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.20, @fg_color)
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @fg_color)
text[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.4, @fg_color)

class "GtkOptionMenu" style "optionmenu"

I took the example from one of my themes,
it might be something completely different
than what you are looking for, but that
fixed my problem anyway, I had a dark
theme where I had white input boxes and
I had to change the optionmenu button text
to fg color.

hope this helps


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
Reply to this


 Re: I need a hand.

 by TheRob on: May 6 2008
Score 50%

Whups! sorry, I misread your question totally
,it was about comboboxes and not optionmenues :D
really , sorry!

\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
Reply to this


 Re: Re: I need a han

 by szerencsefia on: May 6 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Okay, then the question is still open....

My staff is available on my homepage.

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 The open question:

 by code933k on: May 7 2008
Score 50%

It looks like all the engines (perhaps the library itself) are not planned for such "extremely" individual changes [...]

What you are asking is an old mystical and very secret question known as "the ultimate GTK themers challenge". Many people made the same before... But I don't really know if they survived...

PS:// Be quiet! Please, please, don't ask again..! Run for your life!

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
Reply to this


 Re: I need a hand.

 by twrock on: May 7 2008
Score 50%

(Hopefully I am understanding your question; if not, sorry.)
I think it is GtkComboBox and GtkComboBoxEntry. GtkComboBoxEntry is under GtkComboBox in the hierarchy. Here's a link for the hierarchy: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/ch01.html

If you are asking about the drop down menus that appear when you click on one of the combobox buttons, I think that must be part of the Menu class, so I'm not sure how you would work with those without affecting the rest of you menus.

Reply to this


 Re: Re: I need a hand.

 by twrock on: May 7 2008
Score 50%

I had a look at your Lux theme gtkrc file. Let me know if this is the kind of thing you are looking for. And please forgive if I have completely missed the point.

Add this new style:

style "combo-colors"
text[NORMAL] = "#ff00ff" #pink
text[ACTIVE] = "#ffff00" #yellow
text[PRELIGHT] = "#00ffff" #turquoise
text[SELECTED] = "#0000ff" #blue
text[INSENSITIVE] = "#00ff00" #green

Then add this widget reference just below your other "combo stuff" widget_class references:

widget "*.GtkComboBox*" style "combo-colors" #this affects both ComboBox and ComboBoxEntry widgets

Then just start changing the colors until you get what you want. You also might be able to combine this style with your "theme-combo" style to achieve what you want, but I'm still not quite sure what you are hoping to do.

(Also, in my experimentation, "fg" affects the arrow colors for the combobox and comboboxentry.)

Again, if that isn't at all what you were looking for, please just ignore this post (and maybe give some more detail about the problem if possible).

Reply to this


 Re: Re: Re: I need a hand.

 by szerencsefia on: May 8 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Thank you for the advice. I have tried. Well, it did not fully resolve the problem but at least gave some ideas. I found one of my older theme where I have solved somehow. Now I just need to apply that to the current situation.

My staff is available on my homepage.

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 Re: I need a hand.

 by SkiesOfAzel on: May 7 2008
Score 50%

This is a very common difficulty in gtk and has to do with the fact that usually the text on the widgets isn't displayed by them but by a GtkLabel , GtkAccelLabel or a custom widget that usually contains one of the above and its name ends with Label. In order to change colors, find the type of widget on which the text you want to skin is displayed (SomeWidget in our example). Create a style with the fg colors you want to apply (customcolors in our example). Then, skin the text with something like this :
widget_class *.SomeWidget.*Label" style "customcolors".

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 Re: Re: I need a han

 by code933k on: May 7 2008
Score 50%

Once again it is an old mystical question. Stop talking about that right now or the big GTK will hear and we all will die in 7 daaaays...

By the way, have you made it practically instead of theoretically?

If you do I'll be more than glad. It is the 'ultimate' problem ;)

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Re: Re: I need a

 by twrock on: May 7 2008
Score 50%

I'm curious about whether you tried the code I suggested above and whether you think it has anything to do with szerencsefia's question? I honestly don't know if it does or not, because I'm still unsure of what he's trying to achieve. So my proposed code only solves the problem as I perceived it to be, but that might not help him at all if I didn't understand his problem.

But if he tries that code and gives feedback about whether or not it helped him, at least I'll be more sure if I have understood the question he started with.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: I ne

 by code933k on: May 7 2008
Score 50%

I see your try really useful. I don't know why you get so touchy my little apprentice ;)

Our problem is the foreground color of comboboxes when they are "opened".

-if I did understood well of course-

The problem is palpable when you try to put dark backgrounds into the comboboxes. There's nothing to do against that as the foregraund follows the overall fg color, not an individial one, so you get dark fonts over dark backgrounds or light fg over light bg depending on what you are trying to do...

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by twrock on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

I'm sorry if you thought I was being "touchy". I really wasn't trying to be. What you were writing didn't bother me personally, I just couldn't figure out why you thought it was not possible. If you thought it was not possible, then it must have meant I didn't understand the problem yet. (And so I proposed a solution, but obviously it was not the solution for the problem.) So I was trying to see if you could help explain the problem to me in a way I could understand it. It is only an issue of curiosity for me, to try to understand a problem and then consider a solution. Without more feedback from the original author, I guess I can't know for sure. But most likely you are right, and I just haven't understood the problem.


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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by code933k on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

Lets see ;)

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.


 Re: Re: Re: I need a han

 by SkiesOfAzel on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

What i proposed was part of Azel since the first beta. Check out toolbuttons, panelbuttons and list headers. As for the ComboBox, it indeed uses text and not fg because it uses a CtkCellView Widget to display text instead of a label and GtkCell is based on GtkTree which is used to render text(IMO a bad structure as far as standarization goes). This changes the GtkComboBox text and the ComboBox item text color.

style "colors1"
text[NORMAL] = "#c41818"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#c41818"
text[SELECTED] = "#c41818"
text[ACTIVE] = "#c41818"

class "GtkCellView" style:highest "colors1"

If you want to set different colors for the ComboBox text and the ComboBox items(the list that appears when you click it) text, you can add this :

style "colors2"
text[NORMAL] = "#33ac35"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#33ac35"
text[SELECTED] = "#33ac35"
text[ACTIVE] = "#33ac35"

widget_class "*GtkComboBox.*GtkCellView" style:highest "colors2"

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 Re: Re: I need a hand.

 by szerencsefia on: May 8 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

It seems to be very workable. I will go deep into this one. Just for fun.

My staff is available on my homepage.

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 BIG GTK ... omg...

 by szerencsefia on: May 8 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

First of, thaks to all who are spending time on others improvement. On the theme question...
...well-well you can find out what I have done:

My staff is available on my homepage.

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 Re: BIG GTK ... omg.

 by twrock on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

Can you let me know some way to send you a file of a tweaked theme to see if it is what you were looking for? I believe I was able to control just the colors of the drop-down menu-items in ComboBox and ComboBoxEntry, but without you testing it, I'm not sure it is what you wanted. Anyway, if you are interested, just let me know.

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 Re: Re: BIG GTK ... omg.

 by szerencsefia on: May 8 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Sure, no problem. Send it to my e-mail: szerencsefia(AT)gmail.com

My staff is available on my homepage.

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 Re: Re: Re: BIG GTK

 by twrock on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

It's on its way. Please let me know if it was helpful at all. I'm quite curious at this point to hear if I'm even close to understanding what you are looking for.

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 Re: BIG GTK ... omg...

 by twrock on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

Hey, I really like that screen capture idea. Here's one for what I've come up with: http://s43.photobucket.com/albums/e367/twrock/?action=view&current=ComboBox.flv

The colors are just to make it easy to see the different states. I wouldn't choose those for a real theme! ;-)

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 Re: Re: BIG GTK ...

 by szerencsefia on: May 8 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Yeah, you rock! That is what I was looking for. Thanks for your help.

My staff is available on my homepage.

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 Re: Re: Re: BIG GTK ...

 by twrock on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

You are very welcome. I hope you can get it implemented the way you want in your theme.

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 You offended the god

 by code933k on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

Damn that's what I was talking about.

Good job!!

I hope you send soon the code so I can see if I can finish a theme that I was cooking but abandoned totally because I didn't had the time to deal with this.

Kudos to you mister Prometheus ;)

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: You offended the

 by twrock on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

I'll be happy to send it to you too. However, something must be wrong with the on-site messaging, because your reply to my message was blank (no text). Please just give me an email address here, and I'll send it on.

Reply to this


 Re: Re: You offended

 by code933k on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

Just select all the text in your messages they are white over white.

And thanks by the way.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.


 Re: Re: You offended

 by twrock on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for the heads-up on that message text thing.

The file is on its way.



 Re: Re: Re: Re: BIG GTK ...

 by szerencsefia on: May 9 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

I have implemented 95% and the theme is upgraded. The next question I have is:
how to separate the color of ComboBoxEnrty text from the color of ComboBox button text. It seems to be changing only together. But you might have some tweak to this tho. Do you?

My staff is available on my homepage.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

 by twrock on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

I'm not sure, but...

The ComboBoxEntry (button widget) is under the ComboBox (button widget) in the hierarchy. So I suspect that you can treat them completely separately by having separate references for each. (Did that make sense?) So "*ComboBox*" will affect the ComboBoxEntry as well. But then right below it you can add a reference for "*ComboBoxEntry*" that will let you set the colors for just that.

If I remember correctly, it also goes like this: class, widget_class, widget in increasing order of specificity. So that is why I chose to use "widget" only for those reference I created, so as to reduce the chance I would affect anything more than I wanted to.

Remember though that this is a two part "problem" because the buttons are separate from the menu that drops down when you click the buttons.

Let me know if that helps. I can try to think some more or maybe experiment a little if that isn't working out.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BIG GTK ...

 by SkiesOfAzel on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

As twrock said you can specify a different style to GtkComboBoxEntry :

style "colors1"
text[NORMAL] = "#c41818"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#c41818"
text[SELECTED] = "#c41818"
text[ACTIVE] = "#c41818"

class "GtkCellView" style:highest "colors1"

//ComboBox label color
style "colors2"
text[NORMAL] = "#33ac35"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#33ac35"
text[SELECTED] = "#33ac35"
text[ACTIVE] = "#33ac35"

widget_class "*GtkComboBox.*GtkCellView" style:highest "colors2"

//ComboBox Entry colors.
style "colors3"
text[NORMAL] = "#10389f"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#10389f"
text[SELECTED] = "#10389f"
text[ACTIVE] = "#10389f"

widget_class "*GtkComboBoxEntry.*GtkEntry" style:highest "colors3"

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BIG GTK ...

 by szerencsefia on: May 10 2008
Score 50%
LUX Desktop Project

Thanks SkiesOfAzel this was very helpful.



 Re: Re: BIG GTK ...

 by twrock on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

BTW, here's the code I mentioned. There is nothing exciting about it, but it just worked as a tweak in my xSkin theme. I do not know how important the placement of these new references is in relation to the other references I already had. I placed them just below my other "combo" and "menu" references because I thought it might. I have not experimented further to find out.


style "combo-button-colors"
text[NORMAL] = "#00ff00" #green
text[ACTIVE] = "#ff00ff" #pink
text[PRELIGHT] = "#ffff00" #yellow
text[SELECTED] = "#00ffff" #turquoise
text[INSENSITIVE] = "#0000ff" #blue

widget "*ComboBox*" style "combo-button-colors" #this affects both ComboBox and ComboBoxEntry buttons

style "combo-menu-colors"
text[NORMAL] = "#ff00ff" #pink
text[ACTIVE] = "#ffff00" #yellow
text[PRELIGHT] = "#00ffff" #turquoise
text[SELECTED] = "#0000ff" #blue
text[INSENSITIVE] = "#00ff00" #green

widget "*MenuItem*" style "combo-menu-colors"

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