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No - Desktop !!


A middle point amongst the non informed people who depends on a desktop and the people who actually know what a desktop is, so they don't want to use such ugly cluttered thing ;)

Well, more seriously, if you want more acceleration (FPS) from your video card (Yeah!! Go check it out!), CPU power, drive speed, available RAM for "real" tasks, near real time computer usage and a clean environment you probably use a non-WIMP-computing-setup.

So if you don't depend on Gnome, KDE, or XFCE desktops surely you want to join us. Users of Xmonad, Ion2, Ion3, aewm++, larswm, evilwm, ratpoison, wmii, wm2, awesomewm, dwm, (pekwm, *box), fvwm and twm are very welcome !!. And, of course, Enlightenment (16-17) the fanciest light WMs we -all- love.

Here we can discuss issues with some apps and little tips to make more comfortable the already comfortable life without a desktop [...]

For more info (aka. RTFM) you are invited to read:
The anti-mac manifesto

The ION Manifesto:

What is WIMP?

Xmonad reviews:

Ratpoison devs approach:

NOTE: This is not a "desktop haters" group, we just love handling our computers with freedom and usability in mind. Aesthetics and usability are two tight concepts since unmemorable times.

EDIT (a): Found this cute article with some tips in scripts and usability. Liked it because of the approach "For many users, the standard, full-blown desktop environments have either too many features, which slow the PC down, or too few to fulfill their specific needs."

Created:Feb 14 2008
Changed:Dec 5 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 unbloating gtk ui

 by macksgarage on: Dec 21 2008
Score 50%

Personally, I like the look and feel of gtk apps for inherently graphical tasks, but both the bloat and instability of gnome frustrate me. I also don't like automagic relying on dbus and all that, it more tends to break things than fix them. I've been down the minimalism hole, drank the kool-aid deeply, then settled on wmaker for a time as a best of both worlds kind of thing, since i could control everything with the keyboard.

Anyways, now I use components from gnome/xfce, to make a system that is lite and pretty. And yeah, i use compiz, cause that eye candy doesn't use as much resources as a lot of people seem to think, mostly the GPU, and that's all it's there for anyways.

The initrc file says it all:

export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome&

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 Re: unbloating gtk ui

 by code933k on: Dec 22 2008
Score 50%

I have noticed you love GUIs a lot more than I do. But I wonder if you don't use Ubuntu as base distro as your claims on Gnome are AFAIK mostly due to the fact Ubuntu is quite unstable in that department... Perhaps Mandriva? Huhmm?

Whatever, I personally think, you have proposed a flaming topic as Compiz, seen in a lone manner could be part of the list too [...] Does it currently support full key commands and window tabbing or splitting (they promised about one year ago having a tabbing feature)?

Can you please use top or htop to tell us how much system memory do you actually have and how much compiz is consuming?


Now listening: Overkill, I Hear Black
----[ Courtesy of: The F*Script ]----

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 Re: unbloating gtk ui

 by code933k on: Dec 22 2008
Score 50%

And welcome to the group !

Now listening: Overkill, They Eat Their Young
--------[ Courtesy of: The F*Script ]--------

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 Re: Re: unbloating gtk ui

 by macksgarage on: Dec 23 2008
Score 50%

The two processes necessary for compiz together take 10Mb, 7.7 for compiz.real and another 2 for gtk-window-decorator, a necessary accomplice (you can also use emerald to do the same function, decorating the windows.) Not nearly as light as some options, but my 5 year old thinkpad t40 has 1gb of ram, so i don't stress to much that amount. Runs debian sid.

Compiz has numerous plugins, use as many or as few as you need. It is capable of setting keybindings for running arbitrary programs, and for all the standard window manager functions, move, resize, hide, et al. With the compiz-deskmenu plugin, you can create a right-click desktop menu (also bind it to keys), ala black/fluxbox, and others. I duplicate my old oroborus setup, with a blank screen and a mouse cursor at login, and keybindings for an xterm and a run dialog, and not much else. The expo plugin gives a handy (if mac-like) heads up display of all open windows, it's actually why I use compiz.

Dunno about tabbing and tiling, never really got into that. . . always found such managers made it hard for me to set an arbitrary screen area for an app when i needed it. But it's like there's a plugin floating around for that too.

I'd also like to give a shout out for windowmaker, almost unmaintained but still kicking, light and fast. I use that on my big opteron cinelerra/video compression gentoo machine, because it's clean, light, and out of the way, and also has keybindings for everything.

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 Re: Re: Re: unbloating gtk ui

 by code933k on: Jan 28 2009
Score 50%

Nice comments. While I wont try it because I am currently in love with ratpoison.

However, I still recall about one year ago installing Compiz and making a whole light environment for my wife's laptop wich happened to have 256Mb in RAM and a modest Celeron D 1.5 processor with Intel 815 or 915 graphics... without a single issue and all fancy stuff ON.


Now listening: God Dethroned, Villa Vampiria
-------[ Courtesy of: The F*Script ]-------

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 Nice news

 by code933k on: Jan 28 2009
Score 50%

First of all, let me thank all of you for taking part in this group and sharing your concerns on better ways for enjoying a really personal/custom environment.

I've been too busy in the past weeks but I'll take spare time for starting to write in my all fancy new Blog ;) publishing my actual -and future- settings, scripts and configs.

That's due to the recent suggestion about centralizing some resources for us and another people. Which I found a delicious idea !

Do expect news from me in a few days.

What do you think of this? Do we keep some spare blogs linked to each other or are you willing to have some kind of centralized WIKI for all?

Let us know your opinions, it's really important.

Now listening: God Dethroned, Christ Carnage
-------[ Courtesy of: The F*Script ]-------

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 Re: Nice news

 by seraphyn on: Jan 28 2009
Score 50%

That's a nice Question.
I wrote some articles in my blog and goin on with that, reason, it is in german and much is wrote in english. But on the other side, I got the domain lordsoflinux.org and set till now a referer to debian.org. So, it's possible for me to give a small place for us to share more Infos about our minimalism Design ( which one, i call it design, lol) and our way to a leaner desktop. Normally a friend of mine and me would take this domain to humpin' around and talk a little bit harder about Linux and why it should be lean and its way to the desktop. Ergo sum, I need to talk with him what he is thinking about this.
In other words, first I give a talk with him and then if he thinks that it could be a nice idea we could go on install a wiki and and and.
I will give more Infos later after a talk.

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Re: Re: Nice news

 by code933k on: Jan 29 2009
Score 50%

Of course it is. Well, at least that's for me: When one ends up working in a very different way it isn't a simple customization anymore...

Thanks for suggesting this as for your will to collaborate for getting something good about this.


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 Re: Re: Re: Nice news

 by seraphyn on: Jan 29 2010
Score 50%

A small Bump in the new year.
I asked him, but he is bussy with his projects in the moment.
I got allready a small amount of webspace (2GB) I think this should be enough.
Are some of you in freenode?

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Doesn't seems to be alive

 by seraphyn on: Feb 9 2010
Score 50%

This Group.

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 I'm new, but I noticed...

 by xyzzymagicat on: Feb 10 2010
Score 50%

Yeah, I noticed... I just discovered this group -- I've been wandering *-look for 1.5 years and never saw it listed before now, so it's no surprise that it's pretty dead. Have to have it visible to remind users that it exists when they're visiting casually, and new blood often enough to keep things going when others drop out.

I'm too new to the topic to be useful, but I can say that I've found good resources (blogs, groups, etc.) searching for info on Linux that's lightweight or for old/vintage computers. Not sure if it's OK to post links to such things here, or I'd include a list of some of the ones I've found useful and interesting.

Humour has its uses. Laughter can get through the keyhole while seriousness is still hammering on the door. -- Terry Pratchett
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 Re: I'm new, but I noticed...

 by seraphyn on: Feb 10 2010
Score 50%

I think posting links here for telling others where to find infos, that google doens't bring up in the top 50 would be nice. Some pearls are in the internet and noone find em.
Posting links just for ads wouldn't be graceful, but I think you know that by yourself;)

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Re: I'm new, but I noticed...

 by code933k on: Feb 27 2010
Score 50%

Go ahead! My life is a total disorder today but I am pretty sure informational links are a great addition ;)

The fact that the group is not so alive doesn't means light resources are. It is just that there aren't terrific new resources aside of the usual projects.

However, I myself am involved in some useful projects related to this. i.e., linuxrules (which is quite a simple AWK rule set able to be parsed over bash or many other languages for the sake of system monitoring and automation.

I am going slow on it but the problem is $, I have to make a living this days :p


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