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Social Desktop


At last year's Akademy the vision of the Social Desktop was born and first presented to a larger audience. The concept behind the Social Desktop is to bring the power of online communities and group collaboration to desktop applications and the desktop shell itself. One of the strongest assets of the Free Software community is its worldwide community of contributors and users who belief in free software and who work hard to bring the software and solutions to the mainstream. You can find more of this conceptual background on the slides from the keynote at Akademy 2008.

All the data from the opneDesktop.org websites is accessible via the open collaboration services api: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services

You can find more information, screenshots and a demo video about the KDE implementation here: http://dot.kde.org/2009/05/01/social-desktop-starts-arrive

Ideas are:

- More plasmoids using the Open Collaboration Services API

- Knowledgebase plasmoid: a plasmoid where users can directly query an online knowledge base system. For example a searchline, most popular questions from today and alltime. And a direct link to the person who asked the question and provided the answer. You can ask how you configure some specific option in KDE for example. You will get an answer or get the option to post this as an open question into the system.

- Activity plasmoid: For example.
* A friend of mine posted a new blog entry
* A friend of mine uploaded a new application or wallpaper on KDE-Look.org
* A friend of mine is going to the Linux User Group meeting tomorrow.
* There is an update for an application I am fan of
* A friend of mine committed a new feature in the KDE SVN
* Someone was on my profile page and offered me a KDE related job
* A friend of mine is now a fan of "Amarok"

- Microblogging screenlet for GNOME

- More Get Hot New Stuff (GHNS) integration in KDE

- Integration of GHNS in GNOME/XFCE/LXDE

- Enable mobile integration e.g. an app or theme downloader for Android

- Locate and find friends near you by implementing an Android friend finder

- Integrate the OCS API in your website or webservice (e.g. kde-forum.org did this)

- Create an OpenOffice.org addon that fetches templates from opentemplate.org

- Up/Download buttons in save dialogs from several apps (such as Blender, Scribus, Inkscape...)

- A Google Gadget which can fetch data (e.g. Wallpapers) from OCS compatible sites

If you are interested in helping us join this group.


Created:May 3 2009
Changed:May 3 2009
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 In the media

 by SputnikRock on: May 5 2009
Score 50%


I see that the words "social desktop" earn some attention in the german media. Heise.de and pro-linux.de both released articles about the "social desktop". - It seems to cause some buzz in front of other new development in KDE 4.3

In my humble opinion they are just right to report about this idea :) ... but there is some criticism also.

My question is: How do you plan to react on this critizism?

One idea for me is to promote not only the image of the plasmoid, but also the mockup of the printer dialogue in the pdf presentation... "find nearby users of the same hardware"

Go on! Nice ideas! :)

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 Re: In the media

 by jalpaka on: May 5 2009
Score 50%
hive 01

hi sputnikrock!

what kind of criticism do you mean? can you explain it me?
As regards the social desktop integration in dialogues, i think that's a really good idea but OCS integration is not that far, yet.
we wanted to show what already works, what users can expect for kde 4.3. i'm sure that more cool stuff will come up in future kde releases.


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 concept of social desktop...

 by rajputrajat on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

I am really amazed with the new possibilities and directions that will be achieved with social desktop concept (no more - "Concept")...
it makes me (who wants to help in development of open source projects and has not started yet, in some ways) feel confident...
it will surely increase the speed of development and we will help in achieving greater quality software....

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 Re: concept of social desktop.

 by Frank on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

Thank you.

I hope that we can do something great together.

Frank Karlitschek
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 by samuelvimes on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

would be great if there were more Linux-Sites working together. E.G Linux.com, ubuntu-forums.org and other would be bundeld in one System.

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 Re: others

 by Frank on: May 9 2009
Score 50%


This is the idea.
Our friends from forum.kde.org are already starting to implement the OCS so that the users can access the content.

I really hope that or friends from GNOME also start to collaborate with us.
It would be great for GNOME users to have access to the content from gnome-look.org and gtk-apps.org directly from the desktop.
The OCS API is already in place. I hope somebody writes a screenlet or a deeper integration.

At the end of the day we are all free software people, right? :-)


Frank Karlitschek
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 Application for posting commen

 by bogdanc on: Sep 5 2009
Score 50%

I would like to be able to post messages to openDesktop from my desktop.
How is this possible ? A KDE widget perhaps ?
I have installed openDesktop widget, but besides seeing my own profile, Friends and Nearby persons, I don't see any other utility.

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 Re: Application for posting co

 by Frank on: Sep 7 2009
Score 50%


the openDesktop.org plasmoid in KDE 4.3 is very basic. We are working on a much improved version and also integration into other parts of KDE.

This will be part of KDE 4.4. released in January.


Frank Karlitschek
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 Hey Everyone

 by SteveMyers on: Sep 9 2009
Score 50%

What\'s Frank and the editorial gang up to today? Just joined and finally active after a few years of being extremely inactive and looking forward to more fun with Linux "again".

I am currently running Ubuntu Karmic Koala Alpha 5 on my AMD box and looking forward to the Candidate Release next month on the 29th!

Had to brag a bit but glad to be back and lookin good on the theme floor guys! Keep rollin them in!

Best Regards,
Steven Myers - Gnome-Look.org Editor

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 SD unstable on KDE 4.4.1

 by xeros on: Mar 17 2010
Score 50%

First of all - it's great concept of SocialDesktop plasmoids. I look into future for it's development.

But... is it only on my machine or SocialDesktop plasmoids get less stable with KDE 4.4.1 upgrade?
Before upgrade, on Kubuntu 9.10 with KDE 4.4 I haven't had bigger problems but after KDE upgrade to 4.4.1 plasma-desktop gets crashed frequently just after I put my password for Kwallet for SocialDesktop plasmoids. After few plasma-desktop crashes system is working fine until I logout/login again or enable/disable desktop effects.

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