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I created this group, so anyone can tell his/her opinion about preferences, what is you like and what don't like about one or another engine; I think that need just a fast Code based Gtk2 engine with good settings, and all themers here which mainly use Pixbuf engine for creating themes can... just go fishing (mosts Murrine themes are over rank 70!)
Themers, just think more at this.

So, please join and don't be afraid, just say yours about.

Cheers, and enjoy this group :)

Created:Jan 13 2009
Changed:Feb 14 2009
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 First! xD

 by pfeoora on: Jan 19 2009
Score 50%

I'd say any engine has its own benefits and flaws. I'd really like to see one "universal engine" that does it all without having to make, let's say the panel pixmap, the scrollbars clearlooks, menus murrine and buttons aurora. It would be so much easier to make themes if you just could tell the engine to draw this thing that way or the other thing anyhow else. Or even a GUI (not text) based engine with some kind of template where you just drag and drop (or link) your images into. Of course with animation options and stuff included. Something that works similar to emerald. There's nothing easier imho than making emerald themes.
sry for my poor english.

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 Re: First! xD

 by krig on: Jan 19 2009
Score 50%

Yes, I agree totally with you man :)
But since no one is interested to make a "Gtk ThemeMaker" like Emerald one this will be only a dream...
So, we are all here to improve and make easier to build gtk themes; maybe someone will offer his knowledge for a project like this (I hope, I'm not a programmer) I'll do surely if I'd knew some Python programming language.(I think Python should be great for this).

Best regards, Cris

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 by dilomo on: Jan 19 2009
Score 50%

I am on the other side and prefer the pixbuf engine (I think you all know why). Here are some of my arguments for the pixmap engine:
- It gives the artist the freedom to do what he/she wishes with vector based application.
- It does not require from you to code and compile.
- Yes it is slower (not even noticeable on any new PC) but is far more beautiful.
- Compared to more candy/effects capable engines (read aurora) the "fastness" is the same.
- As long as gtk+ has no build in transitions thus GNOME we won't have any better themes from the "engines" part. You see how hard is to make murrine support argb in all applications.
- With proper (read modern) algorithms and multicore processors pixmap based themes can surpass by much the engine themes. Image the new generation of Intel video cards that will support GI and a theme that respectively changes its shadows and highlight over the day and colors over the year!

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 Re: Conter-Side

 by pfeoora on: Jan 19 2009
Score 50%

Yes, pixmap is indeed one of the best engines when it comes to creativity, but:

- it's not too flexible (not really recolorable afaik)
- it doesn't have as much options as others (e.g murrine)
- it has some really annoying bugs (e.g. some panel-applets use Menubar backgrounds).
- it's not capable of drawing transparency afaik. For instance, I wanted to use a transparent panelbg, but it refused use the image I linked. Or Buttons that basically are only the outlines and shadows so if the theme is recolored, the complete set of buttons could adopt the new color without having to recolor each and everyone manually.

These are the main issues that I personally see with pixmap. It reminds me a little of Aqua (Mac OS GUI) because it is pretty nice, but it doesn't give too much choise to the end user. I really don't give two f**ks about the speed, because pretty much every new computer should be able to handle it.


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 Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by dilomo on: Jan 19 2009
Score 50%

For most of the things you are right but I think these bugs are still present because there should be kept some background compatiability.

However I think it is possible to have transparency on widgets so that they can "let" some of the bg color to mix with the front image.

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 Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by code933k on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

I think you lack documentation and context on your side. It looks like you are using the wrong methods for doing the right things.

1-) Check if you can do something more interesting by using the patched version (available here).

2-) Murrina transparency is too new and has nothing to do with pixmap been "not so flexible".

3-) I think most people doesn't know how to handle properly pixmap, but it is quite flexible indeed (i.e. overriding application settings) they just emulate each other as it is for Murrina and the good Aurora.

Anyway, I didn't liked so much pixmap until I realized it was so good. I hope I can demonstrate that in some time. However I do use so few GUI apps (Firefox, Gimp, Inkscape) that I think I'll be out of the theme business sooner.

Take care.

Now listening: BBC World Service, GlobalNews: 21 Jan 09 AM
--------------[ Courtesy of: The F*Script ]--------------

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 Re: Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by dilomo on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

Can you tell me more about this aplication settings overriding? I'm very interested to hear it.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by code933k on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

Check out at live.gnome.org there is an incomplete and clunky, but helpful excerpt.

Now listening: Arch Enemy, Dark of the Sun
------[ Courtesy of: The F*Script ]------

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by dilomo on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

You are talking about this:

right? If yes I kne of this a long time ago :)

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 Re: Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by pfeoora on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

You might be right, I'm pretty new to the whole gtk theming thing and it's just what I experienced so far. Can't find a patched pixmap here though...

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by dilomo on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

Look in my favorites and you will see it ;)

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Conter-Sid

 by pfeoora on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

Cool! Seen this before but I thought it was just to make button look more modern. Thanks man, I'll definitely try this one :-)

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 Re: Re: Conter-Side

 by sixsixfive on: May 21 2009
Score 50%

- it's not too flexible (not really recolorable afaik)

sorry but recoloring sucks


- it doesn't have as much options as others (e.g murrine)

true, murrine has a lot of options but for myself all these murrine-themes similar to all others

pixbuff allows real creativity

- it has some really annoying bugs (e.g. some panel-applets use Menubar backgrounds).

thats not true, and its an gnome-only thing so i must say its a gnome bug

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 support for you

 by forbidden on: Jan 20 2009
Score 50%

I'm a New guy about linux, but I'm intresting for linux.
I wish you can did it, and I support for you. If I have any suggestion, I will let you know.

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 Greetings Pixmappers

 by cb2k on: May 14 2009
Score 50%

I have to say that what attracts me most to pixmap engine themes is the high level of customization that is possible...

Furthermore there is still much more possible that has not been touched on yet...

Check out the pixbuf animation on gtk-demo sometime till you see what I am talking about.

Engine based themes such as Murrine are good for the novice but the options seem a little limited - sort of like you can only work with in a limited framework.

The end result is that many of the engine based themes look more or less the same.

Although having said that there have been a few engine based themes which have shown some new innovations like Dust which incorporates pixmaps or the extremely well documented Shiki colors where the author has had the foresight to include both engine variants of said theme.

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 Variety : The spice of life

 by jameshardy88 on: May 20 2009
Score 50%

Personally im glad we have both. I confess i generally find that the themes i like best are largely pixmap based (e.g. SlicknesS, Overglossed, CarbonGold etc), but i really admire and consequently frequently use some of the more smooth engine based themes like Macchiato and Hardy-Mariux. Overall i think the quality of the theme comes down to the skill of the individual themer rather than the engine.

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 by Glaedr on: May 28 2009
Score 50%

I think that the engine ubuntulooks used by tropic could (and should) be prettier...

However, a big part of the engines are GPL, why don't they fuse each other in a singular WHOLE engine (maybe adding options in the configuration tools to switch options...)

about murrine, there should be a more user-friendly and universal configuration tool...if you don't find it in the theme package you have to edit the gtkrc! how could a newbie do that???

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