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Improved Website Layout


This group is dedicated to the creation of new ideas for the organization of what will hopefully become the new *-look.org. Please only comment if you have a new idea, mockup, or improvement. This group is about improving the site, for those who want to keep it the same, please do not waste space posting, instead please send me a message stating why you do not want it changed, and the benifits of not changing the site. The current mockup in progress is here:


The voting system for the new site layout is being decided in the group improved voting system, here:


Created:May 6 2008
Changed:May 6 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 by novomente on: Feb 26 2012
Score 50%

This website have no option to start a poll. I was looking for this possibility when I wanted to start a poll on interesting things. Unfortunately I didn't find out how to start any kind of poll. So I managed to start it like a New artwork and then the poll was about voting for art up or down - as seen on these examples:


but these polls are not good implementations. So I suggest, because polls can be very interesting, to implement poll feature on *-look.org and OpenDesktop.org.

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 by code933k on: Feb 26 2012
Score 50%

I posted an answer several months ago in one of the group links you copied here...

As I said there, editors have the ability to post general polls. And I, indeed, created the poll for Ubuntu Unity vs Gnome 3 default interface. Which gave Gnome 3 as winner.

I don't have the time to check out right now.

If you meant internal polls I'd be really nice.
In the mean time, have you tried copying and pasting an external poll HTML code or a link to it so people of your group can vote?

I hate everyone equally
You can\'t tear that out of me
No segregation - separation
Just me in my world of enemies
-- Slayer, Disciple

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 Re: Re: POLL

 by novomente on: Feb 26 2012
Score 50%

I meant polls starting by a registered user. For example the poll can be added to the artwork in order to ask people on making better version of it (poll about features of a new version of artwork). Polls can be added to group by group owner to ask group members to vote (on many poll subjects). I think it could be good to ask users of opendesktop.org and *-look.org where polls can be helpful.

Users can vote artwork or comment. It's very nice feature. When I started a user poll (as artwork), users were interested but they missed a poll characteristics, like number of votes or choose from more than 2 options to vote.

BTW - I don't remember to add the poll idea comment to this group. I'm very busy with university now so maybe I've forgotten I already add it. If so I apologise. I just remember someone (maybe you) ask me to add the poll idea comment in this group. Maybe I'm adding it second time, sorry :)

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