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No - Desktop !!


A middle point amongst the non informed people who depends on a desktop and the people who actually know what a desktop is, so they don't want to use such ugly cluttered thing ;)

Well, more seriously, if you want more acceleration (FPS) from your video card (Yeah!! Go check it out!), CPU power, drive speed, available RAM for "real" tasks, near real time computer usage and a clean environment you probably use a non-WIMP-computing-setup.

So if you don't depend on Gnome, KDE, or XFCE desktops surely you want to join us. Users of Xmonad, Ion2, Ion3, aewm++, larswm, evilwm, ratpoison, wmii, wm2, awesomewm, dwm, (pekwm, *box), fvwm and twm are very welcome !!. And, of course, Enlightenment (16-17) the fanciest light WMs we -all- love.

Here we can discuss issues with some apps and little tips to make more comfortable the already comfortable life without a desktop [...]

For more info (aka. RTFM) you are invited to read:
The anti-mac manifesto

The ION Manifesto:

What is WIMP?

Xmonad reviews:

Ratpoison devs approach:

NOTE: This is not a "desktop haters" group, we just love handling our computers with freedom and usability in mind. Aesthetics and usability are two tight concepts since unmemorable times.

EDIT (a): Found this cute article with some tips in scripts and usability. Liked it because of the approach "For many users, the standard, full-blown desktop environments have either too many features, which slow the PC down, or too few to fulfill their specific needs."

Created:Feb 14 2008
Changed:Dec 5 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 by seraphyn on: May 28 2008
Score 50%

I am using ion3 and E17.
So, i think you forgotten E17.
Why ?
E17 is modular, and a WM and not a DE, got tiling to, and with the fine granulation i'm using just 120MB with yeahconsole incl. screensession with mutt, hnb, irssi, raggle, abook, moc, rtorrent.
Okay with some Bloater like Iceweasel more, but i'm prefering dillo/w3m.
With ion3 i'm using 112MB, 8MB difference is IMO Okay.
Before i forget, sshfs spamassassin and bitlbee working here, too

Hope you'll give it a try and i could be in this group, too


I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Re: Hmmmmm

 by code933k on: May 28 2008
Score 50%

I am using ion3 and E17.
So, i think you forgotten E17.
Why ? [...]
You don't need to say more. Yeah! I have forgotten completely a fancy, great, lightweight and powerfully customizable WM. E16 and E17 deserve to be here.

Great applications setup by the way we are used almost to the same apps unless you wanna start a war against VIM ;) Well, I dropped hnb by vimoutliner and moc by mpd+ncmpc and gmpc a very few times (unless I get the time or the will to write an album retrieval script), raggle is named snownews around here (I am a Ruby ignorant)

I am currently trying some bayesians here + procmail [...] and about browsers... Yeah! I am not a fan of Firefox either (it is great but not for me) I preferred Elinks and Dillo too. Though for the sake of the audio/video clips lord I used Epiphany (excelent keyboard driven search-one-in-all-system) and recently
Kazehakase (not very production ready but very tight with XUL and a little light)

Hope you'll give it a try and i could be in this group, too
Man I am used to E17 through DragonLinux live CD, and used E16 some time after KDE. Though I myself still prefer Xmonad and ratpoison (loved ion3, there are some scripts I made for it ie. "binclock", "nmaild" and "the flashing thing")

Whatever, I -objectively?- think E17 is the way to go, their GUI libs are very promising. I hope they release soon and get the support they deserve.

- Updating our description AFAIT -

You are very welcome to the group. Thanks for joining us.

There are arguments out there that it's better to have a single standard desktop environment, so that our mothers can find their way around [...] --pekwm doc
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 Re: Re: Hmmmmm

 by seraphyn on: May 29 2008
Score 50%


I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Does this Group sleeping well?

 by seraphyn on: Aug 24 2008
Score 50%

Just a question, not a bashing.
I just wondering what is going on, but i have to say by myself nothing changed since my last posting, still happy with my WM and my configuration.
Greetings and keep up the summer

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 What the hell? E16/17

 by KingCam on: Oct 11 2008
Score 50%

Enlightenment is a WIMP desktop... it might be fast, but it is still a WIMP desktop. It shouldn't be in the main description. Don't get me wrong I love E16, and 17 but they include windows, menus, icons, and a pointer.

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 Re: What the hell? E16/17

 by code933k on: Oct 12 2008
Score 50%

Sorry for the late answer, currently I had TWO car accidents in the SAME month [...] But hell, yeah! You are right about E17 at a large extent. The problem is, it's a "beautiful" bridge between both words as you can suppress those annoying WIMP characteristics from E17 AFAIK or just use it another way. If it's not, just let me know to erase it "again" ×_× [hush, hush]

Cheers, I really appreciate all the new people meeting the group. Take care.

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 Re: What the hell? E16/17

 by seraphyn on: Nov 4 2008
Score 50%

Possibility to disable this all by modules. Then it is not a WIMP-Desktop.
But i stop using it at the moment. Try a lil fluxbox, but prefer ion3. I think i have to install awesome for my big machine. Looks nice and fast with two screens.

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Re: Re: What the hell? E16/17

 by code933k on: Nov 9 2008
Score 50%

Well said. Thanks for confirming up there' s no solid reasons for our partner's concerns.

BTW. I have seen your previous post = ROFL!


Natalie Portman's HOWTO RAP 0.1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8e6-IeQ0aw
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 hello group

 by eth7up on: Nov 11 2008
Score 50%

E17 user.

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 Re: hello group

 by seraphyn on: Nov 11 2008
Score 50%

Hi eth7up

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Re: hello group

 by code933k on: Nov 11 2008
Score 50%

Hi man! Thanks for joining us. Any questions, suggestions or technical comments are ever welcome.

Natalie Portman's HOWTO RAP 0.1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8e6-IeQ0aw
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 by johnnyjoflin on: Nov 14 2008
Score 50%
GA-P35-DS3 Ownage Crew

I'm using e17 by now, too.

I really like it for eyecandy, speed and flexibility (more than kde 4.2). Still, there are problems:

# Meh! Where is the tray? (I know i can use stalonetray or stuff, but i destroys the look completely)

# How can I let not-minimized windows appear in the taskbar?

# How can I stop e17 to show everything in ~/Desktop on the desktop?

Anyway, thumbs up for e !



joeda@jabber.org i`m happy about new people!

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 Re: e17

 by code933k on: Nov 16 2008
Score 50%

I think it depends on your distro "install system", if you haven't done this manually. I mean, do you have installed all the modules available?

As far as I can recall, there was a systray capability reachable from the setup menu... Also the functionality for showing all apps (no matter the WM status) at the task bar.

It is a little cluttered, but it's supposed to be there. Cheers.

Natalie Portman's HOWTO RAP 0.1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8e6-IeQ0aw
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 by marcaemus on: Nov 15 2008
Score 50%

Been playing on awesome 3.1 for the last few days. Very cool indeed!

Kinda makes the whole *-look.org a bit redundant though. :)

Wonder what console apps ppl like using? I've got screen, vim, ncmpc, cmus, irssi, zinc, finch, mutt, rtorrent, midnight commander, lftp, deluge (null interface), elinks, links -g.

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Console apps

 by code933k on: Nov 16 2008
Score 50%

Wonder what console apps ppl like using? I've got screen, vim, ncmpc, cmus, irssi, zinc, finch, mutt, rtorrent, midnight commander, lftp, deluge (null interface), elinks, links -g.

screen and vim are a must!! ;)

mpd/ncmpc/mpc (already creating a script through xbindkeys to open lyrics in firefox) and another one, a little delayed, for retrieving album art and so. Have anyone created one of this? Better if there is another one already written...

Of course I do scmpc for scrobbling across Last.FM.

I really prefer sox "play"ing functionality over any audio player other than mpd. It has the capability of handling different effects and a cute pike level like display by the way.

Used also to ncftp over lftp. And aria2c instead of rtorrent. There's snownews and a big Lua script of mine to show system meters, weather, audio volume, mpd status and so. All over two dzen2 bars.

An almighty file manager like mc (Midnight Commander) is a must have for me too.

As for deluge, it looks like abandonware at this times :p

Natalie Portman's HOWTO RAP 0.1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8e6-IeQ0aw
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 Re: Awesome

 by seraphyn on: Nov 17 2008
Score 50%

Using http://moc.daper.net/ for Audio.
irssi, mutt, hnb, abook, calcurse, rtorrent with screen in yeahconsole. mc is nice, but i prefer worker (http://www.boomerangsworld.de/cms/worker/index?lang=en) fast, massiv scriptable, okay need some time for configuration. I know, no cli-App, but sometimes is a nice Filemanager a gui-one. But i do not need a mouse and the dependencies, take a look by yourself and give him a try.;)
I only try to use lean apps, prefering cli. RAM and CPU should be needed by applications and the work with it, not for gimmick.

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
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 Re: Awesome

 by code933k on: Nov 18 2008
Score 50%

I've forgotten two apps I need as I need air to breath:
vimoutliner: I turned to it instead of hnb.
mutt: Though I m slowly starting to read my mail online. Which isn't so wise anyway. I hope Firefox3 could be compiled against X11 instead of GTK2 ^^,

PS: I've abandoned moc since I had some ncurses resizing problems and it doesn't counts with fuzzy search of tags or a decent scrobbler plugin AFAIR

Natalie Portman's HOWTO RAP 0.1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8e6-IeQ0aw
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