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- Event Chaos Singularity 2009 .- Participants (0) . 

Chaos Singularity 2009

Jul 10 2009 - Jul 12 2009
hive 01

Cosin is short for Chaos Singularity. We are not quite sure what that means, but we do know, what we want with it: We hope to provide a chance for geeks, nerds, hackers, discordians, chaots and other interested or curious people, to meet, learn, chat, have fun and relax. During three days, we'd like to offer the opportunity to investigate technology, think about its effects on society, or just chat with other participants in a relaxed atmosphere.

What is Cosin?
Cosin is a technical and political event, where we intend the hold lectures, operate a network and have a lot of fun. Lectures are going to be in German and English (in the past mostly German). Cosin is a non-profit event, and generally chaotic when it comes to our goals. Originally, we just wanted to offer an event for geeks, hackers and other friends of constructive chaos, to meet, chat and have fun. As such, the event follows a strong do-it-yourself principle, i.e. visitors are not consumers, but participants.
As a courtesy of the political reality, which seems to differ more from our ideals - like freedom of information and protection of privacy - each year, the is also ever more political content. As such, we also hope to provide an opportunity for people with technical and political background to meet and exchange thoughts.
Finally, Cosin is also a good chance for people without technical background, to gain an insight.
The content of Cosin depends on the participants. Some topics are:

* Software (e.g. GNU/Linux, BSD)
* Hardware (e.g. Wireless Routers, amateur radio)
* Electronics (e.g. soldering workshops)
* Mate
* Religious wars (Vi vs Emacs, etc.)
* Politics (especially information and net-related topics)
* Fun

More specific information about talks and workshops can be found in our schedule. Besides sharing knowledge and experience, Cosin and the organisations behind it also pursue various long-run objectives:

* Networking between groups of different geographical areas.
* Support of free projects around technology and information politics.
* Advancement of information security.
* Creation of a broader consciousness for opportunities and risks around information society.
* Investigation of new technologies and analysis of their impact on society.
* Understanding the interrelation between technology and information freedom.

Furthermore, Cosin is also meant to offer an opportunity to get to know people and their projects in a relaxed atmosphere.


KuZeB, Bremgarten, Aargau, CH

Bremgarten, Switzerland

Created:Jun 29 2009
Changed:Jun 29 2009

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