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Aurora Smooth


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%
Aurora Smooth

Link:  http://
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  85251
Submitted:  May 7 2008
Updated:  Feb 12 2009


A pure Aurora GTK theme with smooth elements & elegant colors.

Aurora GTK Engine 1.5.1 is required http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=56438
Credit to ECHM for his great work.

Note: If you want your menubar to look just like mine, you will definetly need a nice patch for aurora engine, written by Crispy http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=76134


12/2/2009 Known bugs fixed along with other tweaks.

14/1/2009 Brightened and more bugs fixed.

4/1/2009 Added download link to gtk2-engines-aurora_1.5.1-1_i386, thanks Cygoku.

3/1/2009 Updated for Aurora engine 1.5.
05/07 Initial release.
05/08 Some minor modifications.
05/12 Colors fixed.
05/15 Insensitive colors fixed.
05/17 Code cleaning.
05/19 Changed colors to make it more smooth.
05/21 Changed scrollbar color and slider color.
05/21 Enlarged menubars and menus.
05/23 Replaced by brighter colors and other minor fixes. Someone may not accept all these changes, just feel free to leave any comments, thx!
05/23 Uploaded panel.png as well. It is recommended to change your panel size to 24.
05/23 Fixed evolution Newbutton issue.
05/24 The bg_color should be #e0e4e6, my fault.
05/26 Insensitive colors as well as tab color were changed.
05/26 Uploaded conky script & related fonts.
05/31 Changed colors of tabs, fonts, insensitive widgets and scrollbar arrows, commented contrast option.
06/02 Made everthing brighter, updated conky script. (no screenshots updated)
06/16 Fixed tab horizontal size & insensitive font color.
06/27 Lots of adjustments to gtkrc & emerlad theme.
07/09 Fixed weird widgets for adobe reader.
08/01 Minor adjustments. Added a NOT SO SMOOTH version.
08/04 Keep on adjusting, check the screenshots.
08/09 Codes cleaning & reorganizing. It looks more compact & usable now.
08/10 Tiny mod.
08/23 bg color changed back to grey. Added a new panel.png (1440x900 only).
08/24 Minor corrections.

(Aurora Smooth + emerald theme)
(Murrina Crystal)
Ubuntu(Aurora Engine 1.5.1)
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 by bingyuan on: Jan 4 2009
Score 50%


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 like it

 by klausdiemaus on: Feb 5 2009
Score 50%

I like this theme, except I'm not quite happy with the sliders and scrollbars.
How would I make the slider handles bigger? Does Aurora also support clearlooks or oxygen like arrows?

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 Re: like it

 by zhuqin on: Feb 5 2009
Score 50%

Thank you!
You may enlarge them by setting the values of:
And you may notice that handles will appear on those sliders/scrollbars.
As for arrows, however, they cannot be changed, unless you don't use aurora for the scrollbars.

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 Re: Re: like it

 by klausdiemaus on: Feb 11 2009
Score 50%

Does the engine support kind of alternative styles for sliders and scrollbars? Like circle sliders for example? Can handles be turned on or off like in Murrine? How can the scrollbar background be controlled? Although I like Murrine themes, Aurora seems to be something I like most. Except the absence of documentation. I'm new to gtkrc files though. I decided to ask you because you seem to know what you're doing.

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 Re: Re: Re: like it

 by zhuqin on: Feb 11 2009
Score 50%

Nope, handles only. And you cannot turn it on or off except exploiting those so called "bugs" - just like the way I did.

As for the scrollbar bg, you may change the colors of bg[NORMAL], bg[ACTIVE] and bg[PRELIGHT].

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 Is this it?

 by Opinion on: Mar 25 2009
Score 50%

Is this really the best GTK 2.x on Gnome?
I love the Aurora engine but this theme
is mediocre at best.

I suspect this user is not playing fair.

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 Re: Is this it?

 by zhuqin on: Mar 25 2009
Score 50%

Then find it out.
It might not be the best here, but I will never cheat, it's meaningless.
And to be honest, the voting system is not good enough, although the admin did something, such as only the registered users are allowed to vote.
Anyway, it's free, free to use, free to comment, free to vote. If you don't like it, vote it down, and leave a suggestion if you like.

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