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   3.0 + SVN  

GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%



Link:  http://
Downloads:  34908
Submitted:  Mar 25 2008
Updated:  Apr 30 2008


This theme is aimed for people who just want a simple, fast and native interface with many color options. It's also designed with new linux users in mind, by providing simple, thorough instructions. A matching set of Wallpapers, GDM themes and Usplash screens can also be downloaded below.

There are four color variations (Orange, Blue, Green, Red) and TWO designs; light and dark. You can create even more color-schemes through GNOME's appearance preferences, using the included tango palette for color suggestions!

Important, must read or clowns will eat you:
This theme depends on the latest murrine engine SVN. I've compiled (Rev. 136, 01/23/09) MurrineSVN for Ubuntu Intrepid. You can get it by clicking on the correct package for your architecture:
i386: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hidiztmmmye
AMD 64: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?g2axyi02gyo

- There is a legacy version for previous version of the Murrine engine (Ubuntu Hardy/Murrine

- Inside the gtkrc files there are extensive line-by-line instructions and tips for customizing most aspects of the theme!

- GNOME-Colors are set as the default icons for the themes. Be sure to download them to get the full experience!

- This theme uses gradient panel backgrounds by default. If you plan to use Transparent/Custom panels, please disable my panels by editing either the gtkrc or panel.rc files like the included instructions tell you to.

- My X-Colors metacity borders are not selected by default, due to their non-conservative nature. You can choose them in gnome's appearance preferences if you wish to use them.

- Some linux apps are not too friendly to dark themes yet. It's up to their developers to improve this. Keep this in mind when using any dark theme.

- If you want root/super user applications to be themed, you must type in a terminal:
sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root

-This theme is not compatible with Murrine SVN.

- Feel free to try Clearlooks-Colors or Nodoka-Colors for alternate takes on this theme.

If you must vote down, or if there is something you dislike, leave a comment so I can improve it!


3.0 + SVN:
-Made the SVN version the primary download.

3.0 (09/12/08):
-Minor improvements.
-Minor improvements to metacities/emeralds.
-Now based on Shiki-Colors' newer gtkrc, for better instructions and easier modifications.
-New "SVN" edition, designed for the upcoming Murrine SVN engine.

(Murrine-Colors SVN (For Murrine SVN Rev. 136+))
(Murrine-Colors (For Murrine Hardy))
(GDM themes)
(Usplash boot-screens)
(GNOME-Colors Icon Themes)
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 Can We custom it ?

 by Paco24 on: Apr 30 2008
Score 50%


Your theme is very nice but I would like to know if it's possible to custom it with the murrine's configurator ?

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 Re: Can We custom it ?

 by perfectska04 on: Apr 30 2008
Score 50%

I haven't really tried to use the murrine-configurator, but due to this theme being heavily customized I don't think the changes would turn out as expected.

The recommended way to customize this theme is through the gtkrc file, but don't worry I included line-by-line instructions on what each setting/line does. It might take a bit more time than using a configurator, but at the same time you get much more flexibility in customizing the theme.

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 Re: Re: Can We custo

 by Paco24 on: Apr 30 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for your response.

You've got right, it was very sample to modify gtkrc file to get what I wanted.
But It would be better with the murrine's configurator. ^^ (If You can do something...)

Great theme, continue. ;-)

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 Dark themes...

 by BottleOfInk on: May 3 2008
Score 50%

I noticed in the dark themes, (and maybe the light, I dunno, haven't tried them yet), that things look very ugly on the transparent panels. :/ anyway to fix this?

The Menu, Applets, and window list have a grey background rather than being transparent.

Other than that, I LOVE it. <3

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 Re: Dark themes...

 by perfectska04 on: May 3 2008
Score 50%

Hi, I've said it a few times.. when using custom/transparent panels, you have to disable the gradient panel backgrounds. you can do so by editing the gtkrc file, and placing a # in front of the line that says: "panel.rc"

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 Re: Dark themes...

 by perfectska04 on: May 3 2008
Score 50%

alternatively, you can edit the panel.rc file instead.. by placing a # in front of the line that says "bg_pixmap.." you can disable the gradient background while still retaining the other panel theming options.

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 Re: Re: Dark themes...

 by BottleOfInk on: May 3 2008
Score 50%

errr, whoops. xD sorry.
But thanks!! =]

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 Little Bug

 by cypherpunk on: May 13 2008
Score 50%

First off I love this theme .. the clean lines are very nice .. but there is a little bug where the included emerald theme there is green lines leaking between the window contents and the emerald theme border when using wobbly windows in Compiz... Not sure how to fix it .. anyone help ??

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 Re: Little Bug

 by perfectska04 on: May 14 2008
Score 50%

Hi, I think I know what you mean. So far, I don't think there is a way to fix it, since it's an emerald bug (as far as i know).. my emerald themes have no content borders, so it's more noticeable than in other themes. The only way to fix it would be to use the "legacy" engine to render the theme (but it can only do gradient borders), or use the included X-Color metacities. Also, another option would be to make an pixmap-rendered emerald theme based on them (I have one or two, but their colors can't be changed due to it basically being themes rendered by images)

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 by taliesin on: May 18 2008
Score 50%

Great work man. Nice and clean, but I would love x-colors with icon (on the left side of window).
Anyway, great to see that someone can create clean theme not mimicking ui of osx.

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 Dark themes.

 by x1250 on: May 21 2008
Score 50%

Hi, first of all, great theme!

Now to the bug :)

There is a problem with gedit and openoffice (and probably others).

For example, try opening a file in gedit using Dark Human. Then modify the file and gedit will show a message telling you the file has been changed. This message is hardly readable, the background is yellow and the text color is grey.

Another example is openoffice. All tooltips are very hard to read. They too have yellow background but grey text.

I love your theme, but as I use a lot openoffice, its kind of annoying. Any chance you could fix this color issue?


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 Re: Dark themes.

 by x1250 on: May 21 2008
Score 50%

A picture:


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 Re: Dark themes.

 by perfectska04 on: May 21 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for the input. I hadn't noticed it before, I'll try to find out what's wrong and hopefully release a fixed version soon.

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 Re: Dark themes.

 by perfectska04 on: May 22 2008
Score 50%

This issue can't be fixed, it's another case of openoffice having bad GTK integration, specially on dark themes. This page can give you more details:

The text of openoffice tooltips can't be changed. A temporary fix is to change tooltip background/text in appearance preferences. Just make the background something dark, and change the text to #D4D4D4.

In GNOME 2.24 dark themes will have better integration, so I guess until then this is the most I can do.

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 Panel on windows

 by RodrigoCR on: May 23 2008
Score 50%
null / elementary-p roject

Hi, this is a very great theme, i love it to much, but i would like to know what do i need to add to the gtkrc file so that i can make the panel on windows looks like the clearlooks themes. I mean, i want the murrine theme to have like 3D interface, but it looks flat. Look at it:

Thanks for your reply! I hope i'd explain it fine.

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 Re: Panel on windows

 by perfectska04 on: May 23 2008
Score 50%

You mean like the toolbars?
Well, the murrine engine currently is not capable of drawing gradient toolbars..

You could, however do the following hack (you will need clearlooks installed):

1. Comment out or delete line 56, "GtkToolbar.."
2. Add this style somewhere in the file:
style "theme-toolbar"
engine "clearlooks"
style = GUMMY
toolbarstyle = 1
3. Change line 314 to:
class "GtkToolbar" style "theme-toolbar"
4. ???

This is a very hack-ish approach.. it would be best if you just used my nodoka-colors or clearlooks-colors themes.

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 Re: Re: Panel on windows

 by RodrigoCR on: May 23 2008
Score 50%
null / elementary-p roject

That was exactly what i meant to say, i remember i saw a tutorial where the author combined 2 engines, so that was what i wanted to do. I am doing over this theme because i prefer murrine, and i want to do a mix.
Thanks for your help friend!
I will prove it.

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