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Elegant Dark


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%
Elegant Dark

Elegant Dark

Link:  http://
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  5620
Submitted:  Mar 21 2008
Updated:  Mar 24 2008


As I’ve seen requests for a dark elegant theme, I’ve started to work on this.
I've added a flat version.
Here’s a first release of it, including the metacity theme, there are also 2 emerald themes for original and flat elegant dark (link bellow).
This theme is not global/mac menu ready, but there is now a MacMenu version of Elegant Dark (link bellow).

It's yet another mod of the great Elegant Brit by fmrbpensador (AKA What is in a name? on ubuntuforums.org) who I thank a lot for all his awesome work.

It might have some bugs, please let me know if you find some.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Hope you’ll enjoy it :)


- initial release.
- fixed tooltips background color bug.
- changed all the arrows.
- slight color changes (widgets borders, notebook and tabs with a less dark grey)
- started and added a flat variant with the corresponding metacity.

(Elegant Dark (Gtk & metacity))
(Elegant Dark Flat (Gtk & Metacity))
(Elegant Dark MacMenu)
(Elegant Dark 2emerald themes)
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 Well Done

 by marcaemus on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%

Every now and then a theme comes along that looks 'just right'. This is one of them.

when all the worlds collide...
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 Re: Well Done

 by ayoli on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%

Thank you :)

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 Love it!

 by zodmaner on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%

Of all the themes that's derived from Elegant Brit, I think this is my most favorite one yet. Great job ayoli! :)

PS. It appears that all the pop up tool tips in OpenOffice appears as white text on white box, making them unreadable. It would be great if you could fix this bug. ;)

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 Re: Love it!

 by ayoli on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%

Oh, I'll look into that. Thanks for the report and the comments :-)

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 Re: Love it!

 by ayoli on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%

that should be fixed now.

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 Re: Re: Love it!

 by zodmaner on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%

Confirm. Tool tip shows up just fine. Thanks ayoli! :D

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 Re: Re: Re: Love it!

 by ayoli on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%

You're welcom, glad you like the theme :)

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 by Cygoku on: Mar 21 2008
Score 50%
Pet Shop

Usually, a lot of theme skinner/modder forgets to talk about the wallpaper,...


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 Re: Usually...

 by ayoli on: Mar 22 2008
Score 50%

This is probably because it is not a part of the theme.
Here ya go if you want it :
Mine have a customized background color.

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 What is the desklet?

 by poisa on: Mar 23 2008
Score 50%

Wonderful theme!

Would you please tell me what the deskl-let on the right bottom of the screen-shot is? It's dorable.

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 Re: What is the desk

 by ayoli on: Mar 23 2008
Score 50%

Thanks, it is conky on the bottom right.
Here's the script : http://ayozone.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/conkyrc.txt
(you'll have to rename it to .conkyrc and you also may need to adjust cpu and network interfaces names)

You'll need these font for the icons :

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 Great Job!

 by bach123456 on: Mar 24 2008
Score 50%

Simply superb. Thank you.

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 by h4roldpb on: Mar 25 2008
Score 50%

absolutely awesome, i've been using elegant brit and i find this dark version very usable... but, there's always a "but".. in this case is the dark background in emesene and/or pidgin... the fonts are unreadable, i know i can set the color of my own fonts in white for the right contrast but the incoming message comes in black text since it usually comes from a windows box, and black over white is standard over there... did i explain myself??
i dont know if this is fixable... but its no good for me, im on a laptop and sometimes when outdoors or on a poor lightning conditions, its just impossible to read black fonts over dark background

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