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Excelsior (Engine)


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 65%
Excelsior (Engine)

Excelsior (Engine)

Excelsior (Engine)

Link:  http://www.nanolx.org
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  4059
Submitted:  Mar 7 2008
Updated:  Jan 8 2009


A Theme Engine based on Clearlooks.


#1 Aqua Widget Style
#2 BubbleGum Widget Style
#3 Clarius Widget Style
#4 Flat Widget Style http://nanolx.org/free/scrn/xcl-flat.png
#5 Inverted Widget Stylehttp://nanolx.org/free/scrn/xcl-inverted.png


contrast = # contrast. value is a float (eg 0.82)

radius = # widget roundness. value is a float

animation = # enable animation. TRUE or FALSE

scrollbarstyle = # the scrollbar style. 0 = striped; 1 = arrowed; 2 = plain

toolbarstyle = # the style of the toolbar 0 = gummy bar; 1 = glossy bar

menubarstyle = # the style of the menubar. 0 = gummy bar; 1 = glossy bar

HINT: gummy + gummy || glossy + glossy == merged bar

random_effect = # enable or disable random effects on buttons/tabs 0 = no; 1 = stripes; 2 = bubbles

random_opacity = # The Opacity of the stripes, value is a float from 0.0 to 1.0

progbar_style = # the style of the progressbar. 0 = striped; 1 = arrowed; 2 = flat gradient;

progbar_to_left = # wether to animate the progressbar rtl (right to left) or ltr (left to right). 0 = ltr; 1 = rtl

mw_gradient = # Gradient on the MainWindow, 0 = plain; 1 = horizontal gradient; 2 = diagonal gradient

aqua_tabs = # the Style of the Tabs; 0 = excelsior 1.0+; 1 = excelsior 1.0-

style = # The Widget style; one of INVERTED - BUBBLEGUM - AQUA - FLAT - CLARIUS

pellucid_scales = # How to draw the sliders on scales; 0 = opaque; 1 = pellucid

scale_trough_size = # size of the scale-trough widget (the bar behind the "volume-slider")

tooltip_style = # The Gradient on the tooltips 0 = Straight; 1 = Curved (like before);


You can use the Gnome-Color-Chooser to modify the Theme.

If you have Excelsior 1.5.0+ you can also change the engine-options within Gnome-Color-Chooser


Debian Systems

sudo apt-get install fakeroot dpkg-dev
( or: su -c "apt-get install fakeroot dpkg-dev")

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

This will - if you have all deps installed - generate a debian binary package, install it via:

cd .. && sudo dpkg -i excelsior*.deb
(or: cd .. && su -c "dpkg -i excelsior*.deb")

If you have built a package for SID, send it to me, so that I can provide it here
(I'm using GTK 2.15 and PANGO 1.24 at the moment, so I can't provide a Package now)

Non-Debian Systems

./configure --prefix=/usr


su -c "make install" / sudo make install

Perhaps you'll like it, too.

Comments welcome.




- improved configure.ac
- new autogen.sh (taken from sawfish)
- removed 9 unused variables
- fixed 2 implicit declarations
- updated debian/control description
- use single gtk/glib includes


- don't substract 2 from scale_trough_size
- fixed scale_trough right border
- set fallback value for scale_trough_size to 5


- draw less grips on handles (4*2 if on toolbar, else 8*2)


- added CLARIUS and FLAT to style-list


- added scale_trough_size = 5 to all themes
- turn on random effects on all themes

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 I like your ideas...

 by code933k on: Apr 15 2008
Score 50%

1.) One of the most problematic widgets are the "sliders" (volume alike), if you ask me. Your choice was great.

2.) The progress bars don't lack the (overused) candy effect while still keeping some maturity and style. Another point for you.

3.) The idea of the arrows is good but I think that the interface could be more neat if you put the same arrows of gtk-combo into the comboboxes. (No body will confuse an input box with a selection anyway...)

4.) What I -personally- dislike are selected tabs, but I think that if you can make them resemble the borders of the "volume sliders" you'll be done there. I suspect that I don't need to say you should make better scroll bars :p

I'll gonna shut up now. Your work promises a lot.

By the way, making the main widget (frame, whatever...) the same way you have done the toolbar/menubar would be pretty good! Is it impossible? (degraded -metallic- colors, not just plain ones)

Don't give up and thanks for sharing.

Ignorance is the same as an utterly repeated epistemological failure. The problem is ignorants don't realize what epistemological is.
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 Re: I like your idea

 by Chrispy on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%


4.) ... but I think that if you can make them resemble the borders of the "volume sliders" you'll be done there. ...

Hmm, I made a small change to them in 1.6.0-devel but it's not like the scales. I'll have a look


By the way, making the main widget (frame, whatever...) the same way you have done the toolbar/menubar would be pretty good! Is it impossible? (degraded -metallic- colors, not just plain ones)

I had that Idea a longer time ago ... I'll see


suspect that I don't need to say you should make better scroll bars :p

I made changes to them in 1.6.0-devel but I'm not fully satisfied now


... if you put the same arrows of gtk-combo into the comboboxes ...

It's the same, just a bit smaller.

if you can read this, you don\'t need glasses
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 There we go

 by eitreach on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

Downloading this as fast as I can. :)

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 by Cygoku on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%
Pet Shop



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 by eitreach on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

This isn't hard to compile, really.

download the file, extract it into some directory - I have a dir specially created for compiling source code. cd to the dir, and do as follows:

./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install

Then copy the Theme folder into your .themes-dir in your home - and that should be it. :)

Good luck!

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 Re: deb

 by Chrispy on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

No need to install the Theme manually. The Makefile installs it into [PREFIX]/share/themes

if you can read this, you don\'t need glasses
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 Re: deb

 by Cygoku on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%
Pet Shop

I get this error message :

checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for GTK... no


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 Re: Re: deb

 by Chrispy on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

install libgtk2.0-devel package

if you can read this, you don't need glasses
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 what if

 by Cygoku on: Apr 27 2008
Score 50%
Pet Shop

What if I do this instead?

sudo make install



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 Re: what if

 by Chrispy on: Apr 27 2008
Score 50%

when it will be installed in /usr/local/

so simply

sudo make install

Again: if GTK can't be found, then install the libgtk2.0-devel package

I'm bigger and boulder and rougher and tougher in other words sucker there is no other
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 Re: Re: what if

 by Chrispy on: Apr 27 2008
Score 50%



./configure --prefix=/usr

I'm bigger and boulder and rougher and tougher in other words sucker there is no other
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 by Cygoku on: May 5 2008
Score 50%
Pet Shop

This 1.9.0 DEB says I failed dependencie (libc6) when it is already installed.


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 Re: DEB

 by Chrispy on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

Of course you have glibc installed, I'm sure the problem is just, that yours too old. I'm using SID [Unstable] and it's glibc is 2.7-10. If you use Etch [Stable] or Lenny [Testing] or not Debian [eg. Ubuntu] your version will vary.

I'm bigger and boulder and rougher and tougher in other words sucker there is no other
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