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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 68%


Link:  http://
Downloads:  3364
Submitted:  Oct 29 2007
Updated:  Oct 30 2007


K well this is a theme ive been chewing around in my head for a while now, ive had lots of positive feedback, so i figured what the hell ill release it now, it requires the pixmap engine to be installed which in ubuntu is installed as gtk2-engines-pixbuf
please let me know.

credit goes to roberto for creating the original carbonit theme

Oh and before anyone asks, i cant release the icons, unfortunately there not all free :(.

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 by hairypalms19 on: Oct 29 2007
Score 50%

while i cant send the icons to anyone, ill post the links to the icon packs they came from, the icon theme i put them in is nuovext2


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 Re: icons

 by PrinceOfPersia on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%

Theme is quite good, but the vista & mac theme icons pack are in zip & rar format which is quite difficult to apply in gnome, if possible release one for gnome, it will be very useful, again very great work...



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 cant install icons ?

 by PrinceOfPersia on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%


i downloaded the vista icons but am unable to install them in gutsy, pls help me with instructions, i am new to Linux.



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 i got it

 by PrinceOfPersia on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%


i am really sorry, my mistake, these are docks icons only, i can be stupid at times, sorry for the trouble... please ignore my earlier comments. Icons are very good,



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 by sebastianiandrea on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%

Can you link the wallpaper?

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 Re: Wallpaper

 by hairypalms19 on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%

the wallpaper is
does anyone wanna give feedback on the gtk2 theme though?

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 Gud One!

 by auntaunt on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%

the theme luks great mate! and thanx for the raw icons links! rated gud! but can u also post another screenie of the theme in action (nautilus, widget factory etc.). it wud be helpful for ppl who are not familiar with Roberto's carbonit theme!

My Paranormal Blog:

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 Re: Gud One!

 by hairypalms19 on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%

done, i totally forgot, i was supposed to have nautilus open in the screen i did post to show widgets :)

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 Re: Re: Gud One!

 by auntaunt on: Oct 30 2007
Score 50%

gerat! :D

My Paranormal Blog:

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 Its a...

 by Alexi66 on: Apr 9 2008
Score 50%

..really nice theme
but where did you get that background from?


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