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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  103335
Submitted:  Sep 2 2007
Updated:  Sep 25 2008


A dark Gnome Theme. :-)

Extract the file Divinorum_Theme_Pack.tar.gz before installing.

[size=3]Specific program settings[/size]
Here are some fixes for common problems using dark Gnome themes.

If web forms and controls appear dark and unreadable you need to add the provided file "userContent.css" to the "chrome/" subfolder in your Firefox profile. It contains settings to get the default colors back.
Install the theme with Gnome Theme Manager and type the following in a terminal:

mv $HOME/.themes/Divinorum/userContent.css $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome/

Note that the place of the chrome directory may vary on different Linux distributions.

In gaim/pidgin chat window there is black text on black background...
To fix this create a file named "gtkrc-2.0" in .purple dir in your home and put the following in it:

style "Custom"
base[NORMAL] = "#292B29"
class "GtkWidget" style "Custom"

Open Office 2
To get a white document background color instead of black, go to:

Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org > Appearance > Custom Colors > Document background

For dark themes Open Office 2 uses a high contrast icon theme (due to automatic icon settings). If you don't like this, do the following:

1. Open "Tools -> Options dialog -> OpenOffice.org -> View"

2. Change the icon theme from automatic/null to a different one.

If you are using Ubuntu and buttons look wierd, it's necessary to install the package "gtk2-engines-pixbuf”. Type in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf

The same is valid for all the themes based on the engine "pixmap".

You need to specify the background image for the panel(s) manually.

Right-click the panel and choose:
Properties > Background > Background image
and browse to /home/username/.themes/Divinorum/gtk-2.0/Panel.
Choose the panel-bg.png.

Thanks to nanoflower and Neutronium for providing the basis for this theme.


Update: After the server that I hosted this theme on before went away I thought I had lost it. Now, a year later I found it somewhere and will host it here on gnome-look instead. :-)

- Added a red and green version
- Fixed a problem that made Firefox crash in Preferences dialog using latest Gnome and Gtk (in Arch and Gentoo at least).

- Corrected a minor error where some borders didn't fit within the image.

- Fixed a problem with tabs and made some minor size optimizations.

- Added a simple Mplayer skin

- Initial release.

(Divinorum Theme Pack)
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 Best Dark Theme EVER!!!!!

 by vs8 on: Sep 27 2008
Score 50%

This has no comparrison... the ultimate dark theme!!!!

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 problem in Firefox configurati

 by mrpurple on: Oct 7 2008
Score 50%

thankss for this theme.
I have sompre problem in firefox configuration panels. the selecting field are not visible, as shown here http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3236/2921639514_90419df345_o.png
how can i corect it ?

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 Re: problem in Firefox configurati

 by mrpurple on: Oct 7 2008
Score 50%

the pics show the divinorium blue-green because i cannot install the green. I try to copy but Preference is not seeing it.
thank you again

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 made an openbox theme

 by thuban on: Dec 31 2008
Score 50%

there it is, if you want to add a link or me to change it.
I made only in blue, but it's no hard to make in other color if you want!


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 Best BLACK theme I've seen.

 by Yuberis on: Feb 1 2009
Score 50%

Not just dark, but BLACK.
I have been trying to find a gtk theme that had a completely BLACK bg color for some time now, to match with the "Full Flat Absolute Black" firefox theme, but to no avail.
Until now! This theme adheres perfectly with it. I could go without the blue glow, but it's OK, it looks nice.

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 by Prunelle on: Oct 12 2009
Score 50%

It's the best black theme I've ever seen!
Great job,wulak, and thank you!

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 by originalseed on: Jun 5 2011
Score 50%

Best dark theme that i came a cross.

I made a modified version


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