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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%



Link:  http://
Downloads:  147298
Submitted:  Jul 17 2007
Updated:  Jan 28 2008


Borrowed a couple themes and added to it. Linsta and a Linsta black metacity theme for the window decorations.


Elephant wallpaper:

If you find a bug or have an idea to improve this let me know!


bottom/side window decorations are narrower when window is maximized.

Progress bars are orange.

Scrollbars are Chocolate.

Toolbars and window background are less silver and more human colored. Slight change.

New buttons (ok/exit stuff). They look a lil glossier. Got the idea from the schwermetall theme.

minor stuff

-updated range sliders.

-updated buttons and button prelights.

-supports up to a 36px panel height

9/5/07 Added a hack to make the Create Application Launcher more readable. Still not perfect, but better. It's a known gnome bug.

other(Another option for the metacity theme.)
other(brown Wallpaper alt)
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 Fantastic theme!

 by sprites on: Jun 5 2008
Score 50%

Thank you for this absolutely gorgeous theme. Its everything I want in a theme. Your creativity is brilliant!

I do have a problem. I think your theme might be incompatible with Ubuntu Hardy Heron, which is the distro I'm currently using. The problem I'm having, is some of the buttons on the windows do not appear, I linked a screenshot below.

I read in a prior post that the pixmap engine is required, however, I also read on the ubuntu forums that the pixmap engine has be suspended for Hardy Heron.

Can that be the problem? Thanks for any help.


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 Re: Fantastic theme!

 by xlcheese on: Jun 10 2008
Score 50%

with "aftermarket" themes some programs do not use the theme. Synaptic and the update manager are a couple of them.

If you move the theme from your /.themes directory to the directory the default themes are located it will work for those apps.

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 Re: Re: Fantastic theme!

 by sprites on: Jun 10 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for the reply.

I did as your suggested, and moved the theme folder from /home/user/.themes to /usr/share/gdm/themes, but now I lost the backgrounds to the panel bar, context menus, and windows. However, the buttons appear, but not in the windows as I originally had a problem with. I rebooted the PC after moving the folder, and switched to other themes and back, but still have same problem.

A posted a screenshot of how it appears after moving the theme folder.

Any suggestions?


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 Re: Re: Re: Fantastic theme!

 by sprites on: Jun 10 2008
Score 50%

Heres another screenshot showing some windows.


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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Fantastic theme!

 by xlcheese on: Jun 16 2008
Score 50%

GDM/themes in the wrong directory.

Try user/share/themes

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 Absolutely Fantastic theme

 by ivikas on: Aug 19 2008
Score 50%

Brilliant creative work.i just love this theme.I have some problem with pop up in firefox and it's solved.And some problems here and there.But iam not minding it.Great theme

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 by dumbestcrayon on: Jan 18 2009
Score 50%

Great theme. Love it.

For those with problems with the install the way I got it to work was to put the tar.gz on the desktop.

System > Preferences > Apperance

Go to the theme tab.
Click install.
Browse to the tar.gz
double click it.

Worked better than any other way I found on google. With no flaws.

If you need to..

Open terminal put..

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks

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 Customise colors...

 by kzlazy on: Mar 9 2009
Score 50%

maybe? I really love your theme, mainly for the dark menu and the dark brown on the selected menu items.

On the other hand, the light brown on windows and selected item is somehow tiring. As this is a matter of personal preferences, would it be possible to open color customisation, please?

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 by mohojojo on: Nov 5 2009
Score 50%

My favorit theme! Thanks.

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