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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 73%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  14746
Submitted:  Jan 28 2007
Updated:  Feb 3 2007


Also included a metacity, xfce and emerald themes. You will need the Rezlooks Engine and Pixmap Engine.
Icons are called Area04_2 by heylove.
Wallpaper is from the Area04.2 wallpack by j3concepts at http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/45535970/?qo=6&q=by%3Aj3concepts&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps
There is also a fluxbox theme at http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47546045/


Version 0.2
Fixed problems with Openoffice
Changed color of scrollbar and added arrows

(Conky script)
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 thanx a lot

 by dac on: Feb 3 2007
Score 50%

but a got a question...
how to change the whole sys icons without a icon theme?
pleeease do a theme with heylove icons dude!

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 by agentdunken on: Feb 4 2007
Score 50%

The icons is what makes this theme perfect... Anyone you port them to Linux and host them here?

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 emerald theme

 by g0lg0th on: Feb 5 2007
Score 50%

Could you please consider making buttons bigger (sort of bold) and/or in the same blue color as the title of the window please?!!

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 Re: emerald theme

 by lyrae on: Feb 5 2007
Score 50%

No. I like them the way it is. But you can make them bigger if you want. Editing emerald themes is very easy. Try it.

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 by chazh on: Feb 7 2007
Score 50%

Awesome theme, but please, please, make that conkyrc available, it's superb!

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 Re: Conkyrc

 by lyrae on: Feb 8 2007
Score 50%

Done. Look in the "Other" section.

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 by omfgjeannie on: Aug 15 2008
Score 50%

the icons are great!

why not post up the icons too?

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