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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 64%



Link:  http://
Minimum required   GNOME 2.x
Downloads:  3526
Submitted:  Jan 7 2007
Updated:  Jan 13 2007


This is my first published GTK2 theme I have made. Iv been trying to make a Mac OS X style theme, and this is what I developed so far. Its based off the Murrine engine so you need it.

I am using KXDocker, and the GTK Menu hack found here:
Also using the Truth Emerald/Compiz Window Border found here:

If you don't like it, please tell me what you don't like, and what I could add to make it better.

Link to wallpaper:

TODO list

1. Learn more on how to use Pixmaps better.
2. Implant any other ideas, suggestions, or what I come up with to make the theme better.


Made the theme from black to Milkish, and added icons.
Changed some coloring a bit, and fix some minor details.
Just realized that many of you probably are not using the GTK Menu Hack. So, I updated it to have a matching color menu, and a matching color menu that is glossy.
Fix the name, took out the blue and replaced it with more "milk" style coloring, and fixed some minor bugs I found.
Added another folder for people who want a darker highlight that was suggested :)
Redid the Taskbar image to make it have more smoother rounded corners, and made image size of it from 160x23 straight up to 7680x23 :) Any screen size you have the image should fit :)
Changed name from MurrinaMilk to MurrinaWhite. Changed some coloring a bit to make it more whiter. To me, it seems a lot better now. Also added a few new things in it.
As suggested, made a folder for text to be greyish instead of black.

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 Nice but badly named

 by marvin on: Jan 7 2007
Score 50%

1. Name should be "Murrina[whatever]". "Murrine" is plural.

2. This is definitely not a Milk-like theme, it is too dark and uses blue where Milk uses off-white. Should be "Murrina-Aqua" or something like that.

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 not bad

 by spktkpkt on: Jan 8 2007
Score 50%

regarding the pixmaps, take a look at a pixmap-based theme it is very self explaining...i'm sure you'll quickly find out how to add pixmaps :)

"Murrina" is right for themes, "Murrine" is the engine...it is good to name it "MurrinaTHEMENAME" so it is possible to use the configurator for set up some things.

...cup is empty!
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 One suggestion...

 by deadlydeathcone on: Jan 8 2007
Score 50%

Nice work! I usually don't like Mac themes all that much, but this one is nice.

I have one suggestion, which is to change

base[SELECTED] = "#e7e7e7"


base[SELECTED] = "#C3C9D5".

This increases the color of selected text from light to dark grey, making it much easier to see.

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 by cimi86 on: Jan 9 2007
Score 50%

Since you are using mac menubar i suggest you to recompile my engine with --enable-macmenu (./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation --enable-macmenu && sudo make install) then restart GNOME. you will see few things fixed (for example the white line below window decorations) that looks good with patched gtk2.

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 Re: Tips

 by agentdunken on: Jan 9 2007
Score 50%

Thanks for the tip :) I recompiled it and that made the menu look more smoother on the bar, not like its popping out a little :) Thanks!

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 I like it

 by jozmak on: Jan 12 2007
Score 50%

I like the theme a lot. Where can i download the icons from?

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 Re: I like it

 by agentdunken on: Jan 12 2007
Score 50%

I'm using a the OSX icons from here:

I modified it a bit though.

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 maybe it's just me..

 by iraiscoming223 on: Jan 12 2007
Score 50%

I'm trying to make my gnome looking like macosx and this was one of my preferred theme to make it. Otherwise (even if your work is really hot! And telling "really", I mean "really!" :P) one of the things I don't like so much is that the windows titles (such as Nautilus, i.e.) are separated from the menu (as well from the content) by a grey line.. Without linking any other themes, I think that in Macosx they're all-in-one... Isn't it? Maybe it's just me, I've never used macosx ;)
Anyway, again, congratulations! This is one of the best theme around!

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