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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  159497
Submitted:  Sep 15 2006
Updated:  Oct 2 2006


An attempt to port the "Wii - Black" WindowBlinds theme made by tienano at deviantART: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/38686803/

Lots of kudos to that guy! :)

It's not supposed to be a direct clone, but rather an adaption of it for GTK2.

I am no longer working on this theme. There will be no more updates.

Enjoy! :)


There were some problems with the server this theme was hosted on. Gnome-look only offers to host one file per theme page, and I didn't want to split the parts on diffrent pages. Now all parts (Metacity, Cgwd and GTK2) are in one tarball.

0.5, Metacity theme is now included along with the GTK2 pack.
0.4, Some minor pixmap changes. I also added a "Start-icon" for the gnome-panel. You should just need to add it to $HOME/.icons/theme-name/scalable/places/start-here.svg
White line issue in Nautilus is now fixed, thanks to h-milch.
0.3, I just saw on a friend's computer that the theme looks *too* dark on old monitors, so I brightened it up a bit.
0.2, Made active tabs a bit brighter, polished some pixmaps and changed a font colour that was wrong. Problems mentioned in 0.1 are still present though. :(
First release, 0.1. There is an annoying white line at the top of the scrollbar in Nautilus. Haven't found a solution yet...

Known issues:
Buttons checkboxes and text fields in Firefox don't look too good (hard to read sometimes).

If anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me!

(Wii-Black theme pack)
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 by t0w on: Dec 24 2008
Score 50%

simply awesome!

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 thank you

 by himynameiszac on: Oct 3 2009
Score 50%

This is the best one I have come across yet. :)

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