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Geramik GTK RPM for SuSE 8.1


Theme/Style GTK 1.x

Score 30%
LinTech as
Geramik GTK RPM for SuSE 8.1

Link:  http://
Downloads:  3089
Submitted:  Nov 16 2002
Updated:  Nov 16 2002


I had to try this, so while I was at it, I made an RPM with checkinstall ...

Install the RPM, with Kpackage, YaST or execute "rpm -Uhv Geramik-0.03-1.i586.rpm" in a shell.

Then copy /usr/share/themes/Geramik/gtk/gtkrc to either /etc/gtk/gtkrc or ~/.gtkrc

Note! Default font in kderc, does not look very good on GTK programs.
I replaced font=xxxx,x,... in my .kderc with font=Helv,x,... and it's far more readable and it doesn't seem to affect KDE.

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 Great !

 by kroxx on: Nov 16 2002
Score 50%

I had problems compiling 0.3 under SUSE 8.1.
Case solved ! Thanks,


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 by CraigD on: Nov 16 2002
Score 50%

The font will hover be overwritten the next time you change KDE settings.

Why does the font look bad in GTK apps? Are you sure GTK is finding the right one?

Thanks for making the RPM anyway...

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 Fonts in GTK

 by espen on: Nov 16 2002
Score 50%
LinTech as

I guess my problem here, is that I have not changes the deaulft SuSE font (Numbus sans l). And with xft under kde it looks quite good. But without antialiasing it doesn't look good.
I've not manged to make the GTK use xft under SuSE 8.1. I manged it on 8.0 with the LD_PRELOAD variable. But it doesn't seem like gdkxft is included in 8.1 ??? Tips are welcome ;-)

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 by christopher on: Nov 16 2002
Score 50%


i installed it as you mentioned but there is no /usr/share/themes/Geramik, so i cant copy it...

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 by arendjr on: Nov 16 2002
Score 50%


I had the same problem, the RPM seems to install to /usr/local/share/themes instead of /usr/share/themes as mentioned. Just copy it from there and it will work.


Arend jr.

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 by Damion176 on: Nov 16 2002
Score 50%

This is a great addition! I love the fact that gtk apps are now virtually blended seamlessly into kde. Thank you sooooo much for your contribution to this! Happy happy joy joy

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