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Ubuntulooks Art Pack

   Dapper Drake Final  

GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%
Ubuntulooks Art Pack

Ubuntulooks Art Pack

Link:  http://
Minimum required   GNOME 2.x
Downloads:  5923
Submitted:  Apr 23 2006
Updated:  Jun 3 2006


Ubuntulooks Art Pack, tons of art from the next version of Ubuntu, repackaged for the convience of non-Ubuntu users (or Breezy users who want a preview of Dapper).

This package contains:
-The Ubuntulooks Engine
-The new Human theme
-Detailed Instructions
-Splash Screens
-Bonus Themes
-Human Icons AND Tangerine Icons


The metacity theme shown in the new screenshot is from Frozen, a new metacity and GTK theme suite I created. It is not included in this package, but it is based off Human though...

File hosted by www.12noon.net


Real Final:
- Icons packaged into tar.gz files for easier installation
- Offical Dapper Wallpaper "Simple Human" now included
- Extra Wallpapers now in a tar.gz file
- Login Screen removed
- Now distributed in tar.gz format
- All the changes I've made shaved 4 mb off the file size of RC1!

No Changes at all, and I'm just too lazy to update the documentation yet...

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 Cheers to Vidalinux

 by viper500 on: Jun 5 2006
Score 50%

Cheers to the VidaLinux Desktop OS crew for including the Ubuntulooks engine in VLOS 1.3 Beta 1, now VLOS users, you can download the package to get the rest of the artwork.

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 by 6205 on: Mar 19 2008
Score 50%

Download link does not work anymore! Can you please fix it ??? Thanks !!!

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