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T-ish Pack


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%
FWD - Grupa
T-ish Pack

T-ish Pack

T-ish Pack

Link:  http://
Downloads:  715699
Submitted:  Oct 31 2005
Updated:  Sep 28 2006


A fast Clearlooks and Ubuntulooks themes for Gnome made to loosely resemble OSX Tiger.

They fit well with Compiz also.

T-ish - Clearlooks theme
T-ish Aguastyle - Clearlooks theme with some pixmap elements
T-ish-Ubuntulooks - Ubuntlooks theme
T-ish-Ubuntulooks Aguastyle - Ubuntulooks theme with some pixmap elements
T-ish-Ubuntulooks Graphite - same as above but thanks to Alejandro Cornejo

Based on Clearlooks or Ubuntulooks engines, Ish GTK theme with additional buttons from Expose and GlossyP metacity borders (with many thanks to authors).

Requires clearlooks or ubuntulooks engine.

For best results use OSX icons, jaguarx mouse theme, and FoxiTiger firefox skin (links below).

IMPORTANT: In order to install all of the themes you'll have to manually extract to ~/.themes dir.

IMPORTANT 2: In order for scrollbars to work on Ubuntu Edgy you have to install gtk2-engines-pixbuf package.

TO-DO:?? (please leave a comment if you find something)


0.2 Added metacity rounded borders and colored widgets. GTK color changed to lighter mode to be compatible with FoxTiger graphite Firefox theme.
0.3 solved bug with rounded borders when window was maximized
0.4 some minor bugfixes
0.5 improved title text rendering
0.6 many metacity bugfixes and improvements, thank to many of you but mostly Christoph Trassl for his patch and suggestions.
Fixes include:
- button alignment
- text rendering and alignment (I decided to listen to Cristoph and left align title text. If you prefered centered title text please leave a comment.
- some unfocused issues
- border fix for roll-up windows
0.6.1 - correct upload, sorry
0.7 - general code cleanup, title text is centered again. If you want it left aligned go to metacity-theme-1.xml and do as instructed in code.
0.8 - metacitiy title bar gradient more visible, preferred icons changed to OSX
1.0 - aquastyle version added
1.1 - better shade of blue for aquastyle variation
1.2 - finally the right kind of blue choosen for aquastyle variation, name change in order to avoid confusion about requirements
1.3 - for usability reasons menu background changed to slightly brighter shade, small bugfixes
1.3.1 - added gtk1 version for older applications (thanks to danji)
1.4 - more usability, added helper symbols to metacity widget buttons
1.5 - secondary backward stepper on aqualike themes turned off in order to achieve correct drawing of scrollbars and spin buttons, if you whish the same for classic themes please leave a comment
1.6 - many metacity theme improvements, borders now have more elegant appearance.
1.7 - recalculated metacity based on T-ish-Brushed-Overlaid experiences.
1.8 - off with the lines between menubar and toolbar in order to get more tigerish look, added link to jaguarx mouse theme
1.9 - slighly changed background color to better blend with iFox firefox skin, directory cleanup, added link to suggested firefox theme
2.0 - more usability decisions: metacity menu button replaced with application icon, added active state for scrollbar arrows for aquastyle variation
2.1 - more atrractive metacity shading, some fixes
2.2 - by some of your advices tuned the brightness down a bit, please change the firefox theme accordingly
3.0 - merged clearlooks and ubuntulooks versions, added graphite variation thanks to Alejandro Cornejo
3.1 - by many user requests I've done a crosstheme buttons unification
3.2 - iconrc fix

(OSX icons)
(Jaguarx mouse theme)
(FoxiTiger Firefox skin)
(Compiz borders for T-ish)
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 Icons in the dock

 by 2112 on: Nov 29 2005
Score 50%

Hi, Very nice theme. Can you tell me what icons you are using in the dock? Thanks!

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 Re: Icons in the doc

 by tmilovan on: Nov 29 2005
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa


Icons are eternal blue from deviantart:


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 by danji on: Dec 2 2005
Score 50%

Thanks again for your great work!

Now one more thing. Can you give me the link of this Firefox-theme in the screenshot?

Regards, Daniel

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 Re: Perfect!

 by tmilovan on: Dec 2 2005
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

Theme is FoxiTiger graphite. It is not available on the theme homepage anymore (it says that 1.5 version will be available soon) so I found you this link:


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 Re: Perfect!

 by tmilovan on: Dec 2 2005
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

Theme is FoxiTiger graphite. It is not available on the theme homepage anymore (it says that 1.5 version will be available soon) so I found you this link:


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 Great theme

 by leon on: Dec 3 2005
Score 50%

All in all, this theme is fantastic.

However, some touchup needs to be done on the scroll bar widget

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 Re: Great theme

 by tmilovan on: Dec 3 2005
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

Thanks :))

About scrollbar: as I get it, the scrollbar is supplied by clearlooks engine as is.

I may be wrong but documentation is scarce and I didn't find the way to change it yet.

My first intention was to make it aqua style of course.

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 Re: Re: Great theme

 by leon on: Dec 3 2005
Score 50%

"http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=21&sid=0a047136fa80280c4ee10ec968f3d378" is a great place for help.

Another suggestion:

Could you put a highlight color surrounding the activated text box as in the firefox url box.

These features may need more digging into the clearlook engine.

But don't wory about it. The current theme is already very impressive.

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 Re: Re: Re: Great th

 by tmilovan on: Dec 3 2005
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

Thanks for the link, I'll take a look.



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 Re: Re: Great theme

 by leon on: Dec 3 2005
Score 50%

"http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=21&sid=0a047136fa80280c4ee10ec968f3d378" is a great place for help.

Another suggestion:

Could you put a highlight color surrounding the activated text box as in the firefox url box.

These features may need more digging into the clearlook engine.

But don't wory about it. The current theme is already very impressive.

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 Re: Re: Great theme

 by leon on: Dec 3 2005
Score 50%

"http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=21&sid=0a047136fa80280c4ee10ec968f3d378" is a great place for help.

Another suggestion:

Could you put a highlight color surrounding the activated text box as in the firefox url box.

These features may need more digging into the clearlook engine.

But don't wory about it. The current theme is already very impressive.

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 by RooseBolton on: Dec 3 2005
Score 50%

Excellent work Toni.

Incredibly fast.

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 added Gtk1 theme

 by danji on: Dec 26 2005
Score 50%

I added a gtk1 theme for myself. It's color-ported from original LighthouseBlue to Tish-colors and can be found here:


Perhaps you want to add it to your Theme-Package for older Gtk1_programms.

Cheers, Daniel

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 Re: added Gtk1 theme

 by tmilovan on: Dec 26 2005
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa


I will include it in the next release.


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 by SepheeBear on: Dec 27 2005
Score 50%
Jasani Enterprises

i likes! i really likes! great job on the theme. is it possible to get rid of the double-arrows at the bottom?

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 Re: fabolous!

 by tmilovan on: Dec 27 2005
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa


Must have messed something up :))Thanks for noticing me. I'll set it up in the next release.


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