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Ambidexter Amber


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 40%
Ambidexter Amber

Link:  http://
Minimum required   KDE 3.x
Downloads:  2476
Submitted:  Jan 29 2005


Here is my solution to the dilemma "bright cursor or dark cursor". A bright cursor disappears on a bright background. A dark cursor becomes invisible on a dark background. So, Ambidexter cursors are bright and dark... and bright and dark... and so on.

Not converted from anything, just an evolution of the Binary Rainbow cursors (available here) with even more colors to choose from.

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 by lokheed on: Jan 29 2005
Score 50%
Titan Creations

Did you really need to flood KDE-Look with your minor changes? Why didnt you just group them all into one post?

Completely tactless.

Yeah? Well...you're hogging up all the ugly!
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 Re: ...

 by Maxilys on: Jan 29 2005
Score 50%

I wish I could but all together these cursors weight more than 500 Kb. I had to make separate packages.

Any way, I don't know why I didn't do only 2 packages. :-/

(c) MXLS(r)(tm) (Patent pending)
We're living in a free world, ain't we?

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 Re: Re: ...

 by imr on: Jan 30 2005
Score 50%

no, he meant, one page only and many links or previews.
It might help getting some positive votes, right now peopla are pissed from seing your cursors taking the whole front page and just click "bad" thinking "wtf!?"

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 Re: Re: Re: ...

 by Xanadu on: Feb 1 2005
Score 50%

Did you once stop and think:

"WOW! Some Guy just posted a bunch of X "mouse" themes. Nice! And... WOAH! There's 5 or 6 of them! I might actually consider changing my current one. Hmmm... let me check them all out..."

(Yes that was my thought, and ended up DL'ing two of them)

Also had you considered the lack of X cursors...

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: ...

 by Xanadu on: Feb 2 2005
Score 50%

I'm sorry! I had meant to reply to the parent, not "flame" you...


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 Re: ...

 by bugs on: Jan 29 2005
Score 50%

good point!

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 its ok

 by nuka on: Jan 30 2005
Score 50%

hes not the first to do this. where is he supposed to upload them then?

you can delete/edit your posts, so put them in just 2 packages and delete the extras.

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 Re: its ok

 by Maxilys on: Jan 30 2005
Score 50%

Well... I was too optimistic. Each package is around 230 Kb. I would have to do 4 packages. I don't think it's worth the trouble. Those who want to download can choose their color without having to also download the other ones. I think it's fine this way.

Besides, nobody else but you complains and I'm way too lazy to re-pack everything.

Just close your eyes for a while and my uploads will finally reach the second page where you won't see them any more. ;-)

(c) MXLS(r)(tm) (Patent pending)
We're living in a free world, ain't we?

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 Re: Re: its ok

 by trejkaz on: Jan 30 2005
Score 50%

I've seen other people allow multiple downloads from the same page...

Geez, looking at my Akregator, I thought that a serious amount of KDE-Look stuff had been added. But it was just the attack of the clones. ;-)

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 Re: Re: Re: its ok

 by w-Tarchalski on: Jan 30 2005
Score 50%

sad byt true

great product in da ugly box :(

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 Re: Re: its ok

 by dralgebra on: Jan 30 2005
Score 50%

Well, then grab some webspace, host your packages there and link them in one single submission. You can add 7 content links. Or find someone who can host this for you, but that kde-look limits it's contents to 500kb is totally okay. You don't need to upload one single package.
But to add so many contents to kde-look is just impatient.

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 good !

 by liquidnight on: May 13 2005
Score 50%

I like it very much. Thanks for the great moving :-)

who carries a weapon doesn't like peace
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