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X11 Mouse Theme

Score 55%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  4653
Submitted:  Jan 22 2005
Updated:  Dec 15 2005


I was intensively searching the web for a simple-large-white mouse theme without success, so I finally "ported" the win "extra large" set to linux.

Installation (Gnome and others):
1. Unzip the file and move the folder "whitelarge" to ~/.icons/
2. add the following two lines to your ~/.Xdefaults
Xcursor.theme: whitelarge
Xcursor.size: 36
3. log off

Installation (KDE):
1. Unzip the file and move the folder "whitelarge" to ~/.icons/
2. select the theme "whitelarge" in the KDE mouse-configuration-dialog
3. log off

Installation (Ubuntu):
1. Unzip the file and move the folder "whitelarge" to ~/.icons/
2. open the gconf editor
3. change the key
to "whitelarge"
4. log off


[version 2.0]
- reworked the drop shadows, they look perfect now
- changed cursor size from 32 to 36
[version 1.03]
- minor change of white border in "crossed_circle"-cursor
[version 1.02]
- added better looking, grinning skull as xkill icon
[version 1.01]
- added xkill cursor "draped_box"
[version 1.0]
- replaced the "copy"-cursor with the black "plus" by a new one: it has a black "+" in a white square now
[version 0.9]
-added shadows to the resize-cursors
-smoothend the edges of the resize-cursors
[version 0.61]
-added about 10 cursors, none should by missing now
-replaced the move-cursor with the scissors by the normal left mouse pointer
- added a shadow to the + in the copy-cursor

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 you filled a niche!

 by nishtya on: Jan 22 2005
Score 50%

thank you

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 by kreten1 on: Jan 23 2005
Score 50%

maybe you should anti-alias the edges a little bit. otherwise cool.

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 Re: edges?

 by Stefanmdk on: Jan 30 2005
Score 50%


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 by Deciare on: Jan 23 2005
Score 50%

Why are the move/resize cursors missing drop shadows? I can see that the crosshairs and I-beam cursors should be accurate, but why the move/resize cursors?

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 Re: shadows

 by Stefanmdk on: Jan 25 2005
Score 50%

Hm, I think it looks good this way, would you prefer them with shadows? I found out that doing perfect drop shadows for these pointers is quite tricky, they have to have a bigger value for x than for the y-axis. (x=3, y=1, radius=3, looks best -> gimp2 drop shadow).

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 Re: shadows

 by Stefanmdk on: Jan 27 2005
Score 50%

You were right, I changed this.

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 Re: Re: shadows

 by Deciare on: Jan 28 2005
Score 50%

Thank you, I do like them better this way.

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 Thank you!

 by kamikaasje on: Jan 28 2005
Score 50%

Ohw, how I love you for this!
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!
It's perfect!!!

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 Re: Thank you!

 by Stefanmdk on: Jan 28 2005
Score 50%

Your welcome, it feels great to give something back to the linux community!

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 Like it but

 by richb on: Jan 29 2005
Score 50%

I really like this icon theme. Only one icon is missing that prevents me from using it. A CTRL-ALT-ESC sequence on my system changes the arrow cursor to a skull and crossbones and to kill a process by clicking on its window. The kill function is still there, but lack of a visual is confusing.

Great job, however.

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 Re: Like it but

 by Stefanmdk on: Jan 29 2005
Score 50%

I´m going to fix this on sunday, thanks for this comment!

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 Re: Re: Like it but

 by Stefanmdk on: Jan 29 2005
Score 50%

I added the xkill cursor, should work now.

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 Re: Re: Re: Like it

 by richb on: Jan 29 2005
Score 50%

Thank you. I am large now.

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 by Peter13 on: Feb 5 2005
Score 50%

KDE is sorely missing a "double cursor size" option. This goes part of the way to addressing that problem. They had a large cursor configuration option - but it is gone now. 8-(

Any change of a HugeWhite theme?

Hmm. Just noticed; I can't select the "notify:" check box or any of the "icon:" radio buttons on this "add comment" page. (Eventually shift-tabbed around the page and hit space.) That isn't a cursor problem is it? I'm using Mandrake 10 with KDE 3.2

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 Re: excellent

 by Stefanmdk on: Feb 9 2005
Score 50%

Hm, maye try to reload the page.

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 Re: Re: excellent

 by Peter13 on: Feb 11 2005
Score 50%

It is another manifestation of the Mandrake 10 / WhiteLarge wrong cursor bug. I'm getting an offset "I" pointer where there should be an arrow pointer and I was missing the small check box. :-( I'll go back to ContrastLarge. Thank you.

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