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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  10846
Submitted:  Sep 21 2009
Updated:  Mar 26 2010


My suggestions:

1. You will receive a much better effect if You allow this theme to change the fonts size !!!

2. Don't set the background color darker than #272727 (because then You will get a high contrast mode in OpenOffice)

3. In my opinion the best icons theme is the "Any color You like" (with icons colors set to #a4a4a4)

My other project for Ubuntu:
PC_Brain www.pcbrain.dbv.pl


- solved problem with right edge of the titlebar in metacity,

- new, better looking „range” elements,

- new, better looking scroolbars,

- new, better looking entry box,

- resolved problem with deformation in the last letter in the metacity,


- metacity: darker fonts in inactive windows,

- added shadows to metacity fonts,

- new fonts,

- new tabs
- solved problem with icons in Ubuntu 9.04 and Ubuntu 9.10,

- new scrollbar steppers,

- new panel,
- new buttons and scrollbar,
- aesthete fonts (metacity, aplication, desktop),
- disabled icons on buttons (but in gnome 2.26 You have to do it manualy: Press Alt + F2, Type gconf-editor and hit Enter, Go to Desktop –> GNOME –> Interface, Uncheck the key buttons_have_icons),

- openoffice high contrast was disabled,
- maximum title bar lenght was set to 2560 px,

Ubuntu(kreator_theme 1.0.5)
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 by Padster on: Mar 26 2010
Score 50%

it's great! btw, how do u do that window background thing and everything? it fits so well. ??

What do you get when you multiply six by nine?

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 Re: amazing.

 by kreator on: Mar 26 2010
Score 50%

So, I put in this theme a lot of work, and I'm still making a lot of changes. But I don't regret it because I'm still enjoying using this theme, and I'm happy to say, that there is a couple people that likes it too.

Background of this theme I created on this website: www.patterncooler.com. This website allow You to create a various designs using optional colors, and various shapes. Licence on this website allow You to using this graphics for no-commercial uses. When I maded this background, I created the titlebar in metacity adding the shadow in Gimp. It was very easy. The most of the work I put in the buttons, scrolls, tabs, and others elements. This was, and still is a very arduous job. But I like it. :)

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 by psycholinuxuser on: Jul 16 2010
Score 50%

this is awsome i love this theme, is there a possibility you could steampunk it in a rustic lighter colour, bronzeish brownish goldish?

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 You are so n00b...

 by code933k on: Sep 10 2010
Score 50%

Why do you label Ubuntu a universal download? Once again, great theme!

I hate everyone equally
You can't tear that out of me
No segregation - separation
Just me in my world of enemies
-- Slayer, Disciple

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 by Invetero on: Sep 24 2010
Score 50%
Sher Computing

I love this theme a lot, I think it's highly usable, but my only request is that button highlights have more pop . This is more important in the menu. Other than that, it's one of the best themes I've used.

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 I absolutely love this theme.

 by CopperBezel on: Dec 30 2010
Score 50%

I just wanted to say, I've been using this theme for over a year now and love it to pieces. = )

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