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xl_cheeselooks gtk-engine


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%
xl_cheeselooks gtk-engine

xl_cheeselooks gtk-engine

xl_cheeselooks gtk-engine

Link:  http://
Downloads:  24339
Submitted:  Jan 7 2008
Updated:  Jul 3 2009


I created a new engine based off of the clearlooks engine. Without all of the previous work on that engine this one would not exist.

Clearlooks is one of the best gtk engines available. I wanted to make a more aggressive version of it. You'll find new options like a merged toolbar and menubar, glossier buttons, tabs, scrollbar and menuitems.

The engine installs the xl_cheeselooks gtkrc and metacy as well in default ubuntu colors.

For other colors see the xl_cheeselooks theme pack.

why the name xl_cheeselooks? Long story.

Stay tuned. I have lots of new ideas!

To install:
cd to /gtk-enginesxl_cheese
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --enable-animation
sudo make install

If you get an error during compile you may need to install this:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev


6/27/2009 - Fixed some minor bugs in a couple themes and added them to the source to be auto installed.

3/29/08 - Updated sliders to match scrollbars. They change with prelight. Also update radio buttons and check boxes. Mostly a rip from ubuntulooks, but I made the prelight a lil more obvious. I think I tweaked the tabs slightly too, but I can't remember is it was the the last updated.

The focus boxes are also borrowed from clearlooks gummy. No more dotted lines.

3/2/08 - Scrollbars updated! They actually prelight to the selected color. (note: need to remove colorize scrollbar option in GTKRC - now does nothing. color is dictated from the style) Tabs also received a face lift. Other minor adjustsments all around as well.

(A few themes.)
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 Fedora packages

 by gracca on: Jan 9 2010
Score 50%

I have created RPM packages of xl_cheeselooks gtk-engine for Fedora, archs i686 and x86_64:


Thanks for this beautiful engine!


Copyleft, all rights reversed ;-)
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