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Drop Plus


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 71%
Drop Plus

Link:  http://
Downloads:  7277
Submitted:  Dec 28 2007


Original Author: Renzo Riccio.
Homepage: http://users.wincustomize.com/165733/
Source: http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=79&libid=25

All rights reserved by respective owners.

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Other  Artwork  from jmariani
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 by mikaeru on: Dec 28 2007
Score 50%

very good ^^ thanks.

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 Good and Horrible

 by cypherpunk on: Dec 29 2007
Score 50%

Good Cursor set, HORRIBLE hosts!!

Please upload to
kde-look next time? In the future, anyone who uses RapidShare and Megaupload with get an automatic "Bad" vote from me and others - I'm about 99% sure others feel the same way!

I just don't trust those two creapy web sites - Rapidshare and Megaupload, IMHO.

Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how'd you enjoy the play?
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 Re: Good and Horribl

 by jmariani on: Dec 29 2007
Score 50%

Problem is, that Gnome-Look only hosts files smaller than 750K, and this one weights around 1Mb.


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 big file

 by ssuuddoo on: Jan 6 2008
Score 50%

than U could maybe split them
(in an archive or smth like that)



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 Cursor too big

 by mathwizard on: Apr 6 2008
Score 50%

I like this theme, however the symbols are a bit too large for my taste. Could you produce a smaller version? (or is there any way I can do this myself?)

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 this needs addressed

 by fixedbylinux on: May 24 2008
Score 50%

It's only getting worse. These "free" file hosting sites are getting to the point where you are almost forced to pay in order to get a silly file. Rapidshare is rejecting perfectly correct input for the capchas. Hotkeys is reporting precise input while rapidshare is telling me I entered it wrong.

Until we quit using these maggots, it's not going to get any better. I am going to set up a server for people who don't have any alternatives and they can have their contributions hosted with me for free. Nothing too large, but stuff like this should be fine. Give me 3 days from the date of this posting and I will have it set up. Contact me at helios at fixedbylinux dottt komm and we'll get you set up.

If anyone has Drop Line put away on their computer some where, please email it to me. the scumbag hosting pages listed here aren't going to let me download it.

btw...they have found a way to detect the greasemonkey script to bypass the checkin...at least for now

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 thanks a lot

 by sigarts on: Jun 24 2008
Score 50%

very good .i like it thanks

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 MegaUpload and Rapidshare

 by gravy on: Oct 21 2008
Score 50%

I'd give you a good vote except for using those two HORRIBLE web sites to download a file. How about uploading it to Kde-look.org like the rest of the folks instead?

For now, all users who use those two pains in the bum host sites get an automatic "bad" vote regardless of how good their submission is! :(

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