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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%



Link:  http://
Downloads:  7227
Submitted:  Nov 24 2007
Updated:  Dec 13 2007


gtk theme based on kimmiks \"sauerstoff\" (thats what I found in the gtkrc file) and
metacity theme based on \"Scaled Black : Murrina\" made by twigsby.

If anyone wants me to delete this I will.

This theme tries to bring an dark elegant style for the gnome desktop, I aim this theme for those who don't use a dock at the bottom but use the gnome-panel. All ideas / suggestions are very welcome. Please comment what you like about my work and what you don't.

Requires the pixbuf and murrina engine

I accidentally deleted the bluer version!

sry for that!

IMPORTANT! -set the bottom panel to 32px

firefox fonts.
to fix that go here:
that is an amazing fix made by code933k
which works with most browsers :)

thank you all for your name-suggestions
for this theme!

I have been to lazy (or busy) to change that
so the name of this theme stays the same.
I have good name suggestions for my next
theme however :)


fixed so that when a window is maximized the maximize/unmaximize button points down and not up.

fixed the "application launcher - properities" earlier you couldn't read the text... it still isn't beautiful but you don't see it that often anyway... changed the overall look a little and other small "improvements".

fixed the borders of maximized windows (is now borderless and are not rounded when maximized) plus tried to make the metacity look more "modern", and other minor changes.

removed the line between active tab and notebook and some other small changes.

fixed the firefox black text problem.
fixed a version with 25px panel.
Also tweaked the "menu button" a little bit to fit the 25px panel. Fixed so that the workspace switcher uses panel-style.

Fixed a bug that made the panel draw two lines of open windows in the window list if set to 32px or larger.

nicer rounded toolbar buttons.

made a new bluer version of the 25px version (user request).

Improved the alternative bluer version, (screenshot 3).

08-12-2007 first version I'm happy with (1.0) , made changes to metacity theme (better , bigger more informative buttons and other changes),and most bugs fixed.

version 1.1 fixed a bug where the default button appeared smaller than other buttons, changed the overall color a little bit closer to blue, new entries...... other small changes. NO changes to alternative version.

1.11 fixed the inkscape problem and made the panel buttons spacing smaller as suggested :)

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 text problem

 by shadow-of-sin on: Feb 1 2008
Score 50%

Do you know how to change the color of the text on the CPU frequency scaling monitor? As its hard to read the black text on this theme.

And once again, thanks for this theme :)

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 Re: text problem

 by TheRob on: Feb 1 2008
Score 50%


It's changed now :)

please re-download and install and apply


\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: text problem

 by shadow-of-sin on: Feb 1 2008
Score 50%

Thanks :D

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