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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  12315
Submitted:  Sep 12 2007
Updated:  Jan 16 2008


A port of Windows XP theme, Elfin2 by Max (www.visionleague.net) | http://maxvision.deviantart.com/art/Elfin2-Visualstyle-54149101 with his permission.

This theme requires the pixmap-engine and
optional the mist-engine to remove white shadow from insensitive text.

Emerald theme and metacity are included.
Xfwm theme by p0ng can be downloaded at http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Elfin2?content=63775
Fluxbox theme is available. See the download link.

Wallpaper | Red Passion by secondclaw http://secondclaw.deviantart.com/art/Red-Passion-Wallpaper-44850991


Version 0.3: Fixed the background problems of Create Launcher dialog and Shutdown dialog.

Version 0.2: Added metacity and got rid of a panel background of Create Application Launcher although not perfect.

(Fluxbox )
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 by k0rfain on: Sep 12 2007
Score 50%

can you upload the icon theme please

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 Re: x

 by lyrae on: Sep 12 2007
Score 50%

There is one at http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/area+o4.2+gnome?content=64508

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 Metacity theme

 by marvin on: Sep 12 2007
Score 50%

Like the theme, but I think it would be a good idea to throw in a Metacity theme too. Not everyone is using Beryl you know. ;)

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 Re: Metacity theme

 by lyrae on: Sep 14 2007
Score 50%

It is coming but wait for a while.

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 Great work!

 by bach123456 on: Jan 17 2008
Score 50%

I really like your window borders for metacity. They are truly well designed and elegant. Thank you.

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 Hey, little help?

 by parasluco on: Feb 5 2010
Score 50%

Hey guys,

Every now and then I run into an issue trying to install a theme, and I usually give up. But I really want to use this theme. I have installed themes before, but occasionally, I get "xxxx is not a valid theme."

I've read a lot of threads in forums and none have solved my issue.

I'm running a fresh copy of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty).

What I've done:
1. Tried to drag the fresh downloaded file into the Appearance window.
2. Tried to drag the inner tar file into the Appearance window.
3. I copied both tar files above into ~/.themes and /usr/share/themes/
4. I tried putting the GTK folder and the metacity-1 folder in the above two folders individually - and together.
5. I tried tarring the the metacity-1 folder and putting it in the above two locations.

What am I doing wrong? I'm very comfortable with the terminal should I need to use it. However I don't understand GTK / Metacity. Which am I running? etc..

Any input would be great. Thanks!

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 eird file permissions for these archives

 by daniel227 on: Apr 28 2013
Score 50%

yes, fwiw, i had difficulties extracting all the archives of this user. i had to save them first and then extract from the file manager right click menu (extract here...).
others might have to open them with root privileges, and then make sure the files have at least read only permissions for a normal user.

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