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Theme/Style GTK 1.x

Score 38%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  3861
Submitted:  Dec 2 2001
Updated:  Dec 9 2001


Okay, okay, I know it's a GTK+ theme, and I know it's kinda like That One Interface(TM) that people either love or hate...really, I just happen to like the bubbly buttons and that's it. Plus, most of those *ahem* lookalike themes, well, aren't. So why bother? I just wanted a subtle-yet-flashy theme that looked more-or-less strikingly similar on apps from both major desktops, so here 'tis.


dangit...somehow the changelog got wiped...

0.2--Colors and shading should be more consistent now. :-)

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 by anonymous on: Dec 2 2001
Score 50%

your 'bubbles' do look a lot better than the other aqua themes... the problem is always in the scrollbar where the pixmap just doesnt blend in properly.

but i still think it would be better if you've done better in the color scheming. the white is too plain.

also, how did you manage to get the quicktime player to work? where did you download it?

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 by simmons75 on: Dec 2 2001
Score 50%

Everyone's a critic.

Also, take a look at www.codeweavers.com.

TTFN. :-)

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 by anonymous on: Dec 2 2001
Score 50%

rock on man. I like it:)

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 Dark grey

 by anonymous on: Dec 4 2001
Score 50%

Very attractive looking bubbles, but I opted to use my own colour scheme anyway.

The colour scheme consists for very light colours, but I get patches of dark grey in the oddest places. Mainly in the right-hand pane of the KDE Control Centre. There is no problem if I launch the configuration applets separately, the dark grey only manifests only when I launch the Control Centre as a whole.

Fading tooltips on Konqueror's toolbar are alsodifficult-to-impossible to read due to the black text on dark grey.

Horizontal scrollbars also look a bit weird with dot-like artifacts along their bottom edge.

Good stuff for a 0.1 release though.

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 by simmons75 on: Dec 4 2001
Score 50%

I have trouble with the dark-grey patches . . . do you have problems with this with other GTK+ themes? I do.

Maybe it's time to take a second look at the Legacy style...you're right, that's pretty annoying...theming both toolkits is an exercise in quiet frustration, as the Legacy and Pixmap engines, despite claims to the contrary, don't work the same. Sure, Legacy can work with GTK+ themes, but that doesn't mean the "emulation" is perfect. And I don't think it needs to be; just more complete.

What I really wish, and I mean, I really wish, is that there were some sort of cross-toolkit theming engines other than the GTK+ pixmap engine emulation support in Legacy. Legacy is nice, but incomplete. And besides, Qt is Not GTK+(TM).

I really wish I had an answer. Sorry for babbling so much. :-)

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 Menu outlines

 by anonymous on: Dec 10 2001
Score 50%

Ooh, glowing... everything! I like this sort of shininess. :)

There is one problem with all the bright colours, though. In KDE programs, menues don't have outlines, so it's a little hard to tell what is and isn't part of the menu.

Toolbar buttons, which aren't bubble-fied, also look a bit out of place (but it's nice in its own way).

Very nice theme otherwise. It makes my otherwise drab GTK+ apps look competent alongside my substantially flashier KDE apps.

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