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Pinux's Lila cursors theme

   v 0.5  

X11 Mouse Theme

Score 71%
Pinux's Lila cursors theme

Pinux's Lila cursors theme

Pinux's Lila cursors theme

Link:  http://
Downloads:  12754
Submitted:  Dec 2 2004
Updated:  Dec 11 2004


Lila Cursors Theme created by Marko Sosic (pinux@studio-kappo.com)

Build.sh script used from moshi's Grounation cursors.
*Added the black and red cursors version (7 different colors!).
*Fixed some of the light/shadow error (thank to 9-speed).
*Changed the Help and No cursor (the simbol is bigger and no shadow for simbol like the Link cursor)
*Fixed minor error to most of the cursor.
*Changed in AppStarting and Wait from 80 to 60 (thank to Reza).
*Fixed the Cross.conf.

*Added the yellow and blue cursors version.
*Changed the Link cursor (the world icon is bigger now!)

*Added the white and green cursors version.
*Done some minors changing on Wait and AppStarting cursors.

*Added some cursors and Build.sh changed a little bit.
*Rebuilt the cursors Wait, AppStarting, Cross and IBeam.
*Another minor fixes.

* Initial release.

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 Suse 9.2 problem

 by bobrock on: Dec 27 2004
Score 50%

Sorry for posting the question again. I can't change my cursors under Suse 9.2.

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 Re: Suse 9.2 problem

 by pinux on: Dec 28 2004
Score 50%

Sorry for the waiting!

To use one of this set of cursors, edit or create the file ~/.Xdefaults
and add the following line:

Xcursor.theme: Lila

The original sixe of the cursors is 24x24, you can change the size adding a line like:

Xcursor.size: 16

To globally use this set of mouse cursors edit the file:
and change the line:

Inherits=[current setting]

Note this will be overruled by a user's ~/.Xdefaults file.

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 Re: Re: Suse 9.2 pro

 by bobrock on: Jan 4 2005
Score 50%


Thanks for the reply. I did try to create .Xdefaults and added two lines, but it didn't work. As far as the other solution goes, I don't even have cursors folder under /usr/share.

Just to mention, I'm running Gnome 2.6 on Suse 9.2.

I did try to extract icons under KDE in .icons and it worked. But, Gnome wont do it.

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 Re: Suse 9.2 problem

 by physos on: Dec 28 2004
Score 50%

You can use:

kcontrol --> Periphereals --> Mouse --> Cursor Theme

You don't even have to untar the archive.

Have fun.

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 Re: Suse 9.2 problem

 by sasquatchdied on: Jan 7 2005
Score 50%

You're not alone dude. It's just not happening with my nice nu SuSE box!

I only got it last night so I can probably mess about for a while with it and try to find an answer.

If I get to know any more about it I'll gladly mail you.

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 This theme fits me w

 by iuchiban on: Jul 7 2006
Score 50%

I love this theme.

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