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Elemental Equinox Evolution

   2.6 - 6  

GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 66%
Elemental Equinox Evolution

Elemental Equinox Evolution

Elemental Equinox Evolution

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  6752
Submitted:  Apr 10 2010
Updated:  Mar 21 2011



Because some work issues, I can't be available to continue to the development of this GTK2.0/Xfwm4 theme, if anyone could take it and continue with the lightweight line (using only the equinox and pixmaps engines) adn development of this, I'll know that all the work inside this theme it's enjoyed.

Who said that breadcrumbs are not for the mice?

Previously Elemental Perfection Remix

Only Equinox and pixmaps required, only for Xfce, down here only old info:


Xfce now can have some "pseudo" breadcrumbs on thunar and open/save/search dialogs

Thanks to newhoa for helping me on the code.
Thanks to ochosi for the new "Elemental Perfection Remix xfwm4 theme"


Now I removed Aurora Engine, based on Golan's work, touch by me

Well, I made a mix of 4 great themes:

1. Some colors and configurations of the beautiful Perfection theme (http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Perfection?content=122822) by LuxieRayku on the elegant elementary theme (http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/elementary-gtk-theme-83104033) by DanRabbit
2. I try to change make a nice xfwm4, mixing a little of the Elegant Carbonit-Colored xfwm4 (http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Carbonit-Colored?content=77710) by asphyx, and the control buttoms of PC/OS Twiligh xfwm4 (http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/PC+OS+Twilight?content=122875) by crismolina from the PC/OS xfce theme.
3. Add the breadcrumbs for thunar file manager
4. No more orange-tint on xfwm4

Compressed archive contents GTK theme Elemental Perfection and the xfwm4 Elemental Perfection windows borders.

GTK theme depends on the murrine-git engine and aurora engine.
Xfwm4 will try to pick up gtk colors and give an uniformal appearence.


* xfwm4 alpha replaced with stable.

* Corrected bug in dark menus, works in everything

* Change the side panel color? (suggestions)
* New Xfwm4 theme (3.0)
* Panel BG issue (3.0)
* Thinking in new relevant name: Elemental Perfection Revolution

* Dark menus (not as a variant): maybe doesn't work well with File-roller, and not seen the Edit menu buttons under Google Chrome/Chromium/Iron (maybe someone can help about this):
tested on (works really good):
* Opera
* Midori
* Audacious
* Firefox 4
* Exaile
* Rhythmbox
* Gthumb
* LibreOffice (should work with OpenOffice)
* Abiword - Gnumeric
* Qt Apps: like Skype
* More is less: new slim size in menu bar

* Change the side panel color? (suggestions)
* New Xfwm4 theme (3.0)
* Panel BG issue (3.0)

* Changed numeration: 2.3 to 2.5
* Size: reduced tabs
* Rounded progressbar
* Breadcrumbs in file selector (done)
* Xfce4-notify theme based on Equinox (done, very simple, match with theme color)
* Flat and Elegant Scrollbar (more like Greybird's scrollbar)
* Added "Extras" folder and tint2 config file (written by my own)

* Change the side panel color? (suggestions)
* Anyone knows how to change de roundness of the buttons without changing the menubar button roundness? (using only equinox)
* Dark menus variant (3.0)
* New Xfwm4 theme (3.0)
* Panel BG issue (3.0)

* Changed from a Murrine/Aurora/Equinox/Pixmaps based theme, to an Equinox/Pixmaps based theme.
* No more GTK warnings
* No panel-bg at this moment, this prevent to Xfce4-notifyd tu show stripes.

* Breadcrumbs in file selector
* Xfce4-notify theme based on Equinox
* Dark menus variant


Added extras foldes, with Aller and tint2rc configuration


Edit scrollbars and progressbar

Remix - 2

Removed Aurora Engine, made a little trick with murrine-git

Remix - 2.1

Added Breadcrumbs stuff to thunar, thanks to newhoa http://xfce-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=newhoa

Remix - 2.2

Minor Change, more compact, more breadcrumbs (on open file/save dialogs)

Remix - 2.3

Added New "Elemental Perfection Remix xfwm4 theme", no more orange tint on action buttoms, all credits goes to: ochosi http://xfce-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=ochosi

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 thunar breadcrumbs

 by ochosi on: May 7 2010
Score 50%

man, you're awesome!
i was working on this some time ago but couldn't figure it out - even though from looking at your code now i can say i was close.

thanks a lo!

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 Re: thunar breadcrumbs

 by ochosi on: May 7 2010
Score 63%

oh, and i assume adding a background image to the breadcrumbs-pathbar is impossible, right?

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 Re: Re: thunar breadcrumbs

 by afgomez84 on: May 7 2010
Score 50%

I guess so, It's a problem of the pathbar of thunar

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 Breadcrumbs works on nautilus

 by arkanus on: May 7 2010
Score 50%

FYI the pseudo breadcrubs works on nautilus.

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 gtk errors

 by imnotreallyhere on: May 15 2010
Score 63%

First of all, thanks for your work.

I have a question: when using this theme I often get this error:

Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed

It only appears when closing gtk apps like mousepad or leafpad that have been started from the terminal. For example, I use leafpad to edit a system configuration file, then I save and quit. Leafpad hangs for a few seconds, then the error message appears in the terminal. (I'm using murrine-git btw.)

I wonder if others experienced this problem or perhaps it's got nothing to do with the theme...

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 Re: gtk errors

 by r3n on: May 28 2010
Score 63%

I also see frequent GTK Warnings in my logs and they're particularly evident when starting GTK apps from the Terminal.

For example I just saw this: "Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap: null.png, borders don't fit within the image"

I hope the author can fix these bugs, as this is my favorite Xfce theme and I'm using it on my linux systems.

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 by sht0rm on: Mar 15 2011
Score 50%


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 Some issues

 by hellpe on: Mar 20 2011
Score 50%

Great theme, but there's still some issues for me : the xfwm theme is broken (it only displays window buttons floating over, without any prehensile titlebar), and the clock applet displays black text over the dark-grey Xfce panel.

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 Re: Some issues

 by afgomez84 on: Mar 21 2011
Score 50%

It's really good that you like this theme:

1. about xfwm4, it was my mistake, because I've uploaded the "alpha" work of the 3.0 version, I just upload a new xfwm4 theme.

2. panel issue is known, but every change I've made doesn't work, I use tint2/kupfer in replace the xfce4-panel.

Maybe anyone could help to update this theme, make it more compatible with the panel using only equinox/pixmaps (lightweight phylosophy)

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