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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 70%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  18975
Submitted:  May 14 2009
Updated:  Sep 8 2009


Firs download link contains newest version and socound link has file from previous release 0.4. ######################Initial release... Panel is made for 1152x864 screen and you have to set it manualy... Some parts are used from New Wave theme...


######## 0.7 #########
just playing with it.... few modefications...

######## 0.6 ###########
- whole new desing....

######### 0.5 ######### - fixed few details - i think that banshee is fixed now - and other...####### 0.4 FILE NOW CONTAINS NEW AND OLD VERSION OF THE THEME AND WALLPAPER ON SCREENSHOTS ####### ##### NOTHING NEW ##### - Secound screenshot is a preview of my experiment with window background + new buttons - DON'T KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE FINISHED ##0.3 ## -fixed bugs and few details... ##- fixed some fonts - extra new panel - new radio and checkbox buttons - tooltips fixed ...

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 why megaupload??

 by brainvision on: Sep 10 2009
Score 50%

hi metak..
I've seen your theme and I would like to try it (I'm a fan and an user of dark themes), but I can't download it because every time I try megaupload says me that I've reached the download limit, even if I've not download a file from there in the last two years! I think the problem is in the fact the we share an internet connection in the same house (student).. I don't know exactly, it's only a maybe..

So it's possible to download the file normally as xfce-look (or gnome-look) usually permit?
I'm impressed by your screen-shot and I want to try it as soon as possible! Could you help me please??
Thank you very much.. I hope you can!

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 Re: why megaupload??

 by metak on: Sep 10 2009
Score 50%

you can download it also from deviantart http://metak.deviantart.com/art/no-name-jet-136379769

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 Re: Re: why megaupload??

 by brainvision on: Sep 10 2009
Score 50%

thank you very much! that's what I needed!

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 by BlazeFire247 on: Sep 15 2009
Score 50%

Overall this is a great theme, but I don't like the background pic when you hover on something.

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 Re: Nice

 by daas88 on: Sep 23 2009
Score 50%

I agree with that. That's the only ugly thing in the theme.

Forza juve =)

all your base are belong to us
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