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iBlack Complete


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 52%
iBlack Complete

iBlack Complete

Link:  http://
Downloads:  5778
Submitted:  Jul 17 2007
Updated:  Jul 31 2007


Screenshot #1: iBlack
Screenshot #2: iBlack-Old

This theme is based on the iCrystal - Black theme by LinuxSeeker. It has been made darker, and now has an accompanying GTK theme. You can use any GTK theme with this, and the close/maximize/minimize's background will change to suit. I also included the old theme (with a bugfix and the same GTK theme) in case anyone has a lighter side.

The GTK theme requires Murrina to be used properly. Also, I have included the required icons (Glass-Icons) for this theme to work (PLEASE NOTE: These icons are optimized for Salocin Linux, so any GNOME logo you have will be replaced with the Salocin logo).

You will have to extract this archive to get the themes and icons.

I hope you enjoy my theme. Please post any bugs here.

To install this package, extract it to where you would wish. You should see a folder called iBlack appear there. Open up that folder, and drag either of the themes from the folder to the Theme preferences (located in the system menu). The theme is installed. Now click the Customize button in the Theme preferences (near the top right corner) and click the "Icons" tab that opens up. Drag and drop the "Glass Icons" package there. Congrats, you got it installed!

Murrine engine needed for optimization:
To use the GTK theme to its highest potential, you need to install the Murrine theme engine. This can be done from a terminal using sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine, or installing gtk2-engines-murrine from your favorite package manager. I hope you enjoy my theme!

7-17-07: Added animation to min/max/restore/close buttons.

(iBlack Complete)
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 by troseph on: Jul 18 2007
Score 50%
Elementary Desktop

I think this is quite good. Using it now.

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 Re-ordered titlebar

 by psxman on: Jul 20 2007
Score 50%

Love the Metacity theme, but it doesn't really work if you're not using the default titlebar order. I have the maximize and minimize buttons over to the left of the window, and this pretty much busts your Metacity theme. Dunno if this is something you can easily fix.

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 Re: Re-ordered title

 by smartboyathome on: Jul 21 2007
Score 50%

This is not something I could easily fix. I would have to open it up and re-work ti so that the space for the buttons was on the opposite side. I could do that if you wanted, but it would take a while (and since this is my first actual theme, it would take a lot of concentration). I will see what can be done though.

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 little problem

 by adenosintrifosfato on: Jul 27 2007
Score 50%

I've been using this theme for a little while and the only problem I have had it's that checkboxes all over ubuntu and firefox have a white background, and since you used a white font, you can't tell whether the option is marked or not. Unless you select it with the cursor which will paint it black and make it visible.

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 Re: little problem

 by smartboyathome on: Jul 31 2007
Score 50%

This is caused because the Murrine theme engine isn't installed. Just sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine. This also effects how the scrollbar looks. I will add this to the instructions above.

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 by zorinos on: Oct 18 2008
Score 50%
Zorin OS

Is it ok if I use this theme for an operating system I'm developing (Ill giv u all the credit) smartboyathome?

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