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devART Autumn 09 edition


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 69%
devART Autumn 09 edition

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  1839
Submitted:  Nov 1 2009
Updated:  Nov 2 2009


Yet another deviantART based theme.

Pack includes themes for:
- GTK (Murrine 0.90.3 engine)
- PekWM
- BMPanel2

2 versions available - rounded and squared.
I've also included short instruction for those who want to use XFWM4 in GNOME (since I don't make Metacity themes).

IMPORTANT: It is recommended for BMPanel2 users to have Droid Sans fonts installed. You can download them here: http://thiagoc.net/static/ttf-droid-20091910.tar.gz
PekWM users are also advised to have extended DejaVu font package installed. I've also included Blank.ttf font which is essential for this theme, so make sure you have it installed!


- fixed idle task button in BMPanel2
- cleaned rounded gtkrc file a bit
- added required Blank.ttf font for PekWM users

(download from deviantART)
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 by DanRabbit on: Nov 1 2009
Score 50%
elementaryos .org

VERY NICE! It's almost perfect! only thing I'd like to see is a little tiny bit less roundness.

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 Re: WOW

 by weakhead on: Nov 2 2009
Score 50%

Well, rounded version supposed to be that way and I'm not sure if making third version which is rounded-but-not-too-much would make sense :D

However, changing roundness is easy task. Just open gtkrc file in theme directory and search for roundness option (there should be several of them, each for different widget) and change its value (range from 0 to 8, integer only). the same goes for panel.rc.

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 Just WOW! Metacity?

 by Pocio on: Nov 4 2009
Score 50%

Yes, just wow!! What an amazing job here!

Any chance to see a matching metacity theme? I don't lik using emerald...

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 Re: Just WOW! Metacity?

 by weakhead on: Nov 4 2009
Score 50%

No, I won't make Metacity theme. However, you can use XFWM4 or PekWM in GNOME. Instructions of how you can replace Metacity with XFWM4 are included with theme.
Emmanuele Massimi posted in PekWM site a way to use PekWM under GNOME:

For now you can use PekWM in Gnome by editing the windowmanager value in Gconf:

open gconf-editor and go to /desktop/gnome/session/required_components and change the value of "windowmanager" from metacity to pekwm.

Then you need to create a desktop entry for PekWM in /usr/share/applications (or wherever your distro puts your .desktop files).

Restarting the session should bring up a Gnome + PekWM session.

Of course this is not a really elegant solution, since it doesn't allow replacing PekWM with another WM, without killing it (i.e. the "--replace" flag you find in WMs like Metacity won't work).

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 Re: Just WOW! Metacity?

 by Enzo01 on: Nov 16 2009
Score 50%

You can use mine, if you want http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/DeviantArt-squared-emerald?content=115518

I should have copy and pasted the truth.
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 Too nice

 by flyinghigh on: Nov 19 2009
Score 50%

Really good.
But hard to find suitable icons to fit this.

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 Re: Too nice

 by weakhead on: Nov 19 2009
Score 50%

Personally, I use GNOME-wise (from GNOME-Colors) icons and they work well with this theme. However, it's true that finding really good icons set for this is hard.

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