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Xi Albook (Port)


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 63%
Xi Albook (Port)

Xi Albook (Port)

Xi Albook (Port)

Link:  http://
Downloads:  464
Submitted:  Jun 9 2007


INSTALL manually, not with the theme manager

GTK2, Metacity, 2 Beryl-Emerald

-Xi Albook Linux Gnome-

License= XiAP GUI Studio
Home page: http://gui.xiap.net/
Original author XiAP

Thank you XiAP for permission to port to Linux's Gnome Desktop Environment!

#########PANEL BACKGROUNDS##########

#### TOP PANEL ####
By default, a TOP panel background of 24 is used.
To use the mac style panel as in the screenshot you must;
right-click the gnome-panel>choose properties>click the Background tab>
tick Background image, click the button and browse to the Panel24 directory
and select panel24-1280.png.

If you need another resolution you may need to make it yourself!
You can stretch the panel24 (or panel36 or panel48) image to your resolution and copy
and paste the corners from the 1280.

Included are TOP panel sizes 24, 36, and 48 all at 1280 resolution. To change the size
used by the gnome-panel, open the themes's gtkrc and comment out
include "panel24-toprc"
to look like this
#include "panel24-toprc"
and uncomment the size you want. The by right-clicking the panel browse to the
correct panel size directory.
and select the 1280 image....or make one for your resolution.

After making these changes you will either have to log out and back into gnome,
or from the commandline run;
killall gnome-panel

If you use a bottom panel, round mac style images are not provided but background
images od 24, 36, and 48 are. Comment out
include "panel24-toprc"
and uncomment the bottomrc of your size panel.

If you do not want to use the panel background, comment out all panelrc'sfrom the gtkrc.

### LIGHT MENU ###
#To use the light menu you must put the gtkrc in the Menus/light directory
#in the gtk-2.0 directory

### DARK MENU ###
#To use the dark menu you must put the gtkrc in the Menus/dark directory
#in the gtk-2.0 directory

#### MEDIA ####
See INSTALL file in media directory for using the media buttons in the panel.

XiAP GUI Studio

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