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Xcursor Theme Tutorial !!!


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 48%
Xcursor Theme Tutorial !!!

Link:  http://
Downloads:  6278
Submitted:  Mar 18 2004


This is a tutorial that i've maked for people that want make your own xcursor themes ... I hope that you enjoy and make a lot of them.

This tutorial have many bugs and i hope fix them with your help and comments.

See Yah ...


v1.0 - Initial relase

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 by leeded on: Apr 9 2004
Score 50%

Very good tutorial, thanks for your hard work!

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 I saved it

 by JThundley on: May 11 2004
Score 50%

If I ever get around to making an icon theme, I'll be sure to attribute it to your tutorial! Hopefully people won't link my horrible ideas and drawings with your tutorial though ;)

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 Mivie is great!

 by Yama on: Jun 20 2004
Score 50%

Hidden inside this download is one of the best cursor themes I've ever seen. The tutorial is great (and I've used it to create a few themes of my own), but it's a shame that the Mivie cursor theme is overshadowed by it.

I would suggest to the author that he/she submit Mivie seperately as a cursor theme. I'm sure that many people will love it.

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 by Yama on: Jun 20 2004
Score 50%

I'm a sucker for translucency. Is there any change we can see a version of the Mivie theme with more translucency effects? I would expecially like the main pointer to be slightly translucent.


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 Re: Translucency?

 by Yama on: Jun 20 2004
Score 50%

Ignore the icon I picked for the above post. I wanted to pick a smiley face and I accidentally picked a frownie instead.

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 I just corrected...

 by terra on: Jul 2 2004
Score 50%

...the whole thing a little bit ;).
But I think it's great.
I took a little care about the language used in the tutorial - but your english really isn't that bad I think (But Iam only german... ;)).
Well - I just wanted to know wheter it's okay for you if I publish the corrected version?
Hm, I'm going to send it to you via E-Mail.
See you later, terra

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 Xcursor theme tutorial

 by 10110111 on: Nov 11 2009
Score 50%

Very good tutorial. But one thing is odd: why ldconfig after putting the cursors into $HOME/.icons/my_theme?

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