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Stygian GTK

   Not in development  

GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 57%
Cajablatech, Webspec Design
Stygian GTK

Link:  http://
Downloads:  1261
Submitted:  Mar 25 2008
Updated:  Feb 5 2009


This theme is no longer in development. If you would like to continue its development, message me, blaede22, and I'll remove this submission and get you any relevant source files.

A very, very dark theme. Aims to be a dark, yet usable and high contrast theme. Uses only grayscaled colors (black, white, and grays) to achieve maximum usability with any color scheme. Based on the GTK theme BlackWhite.

Made to work well with the Stygian Emerald theme, but will work with other Emerald or Metacity themes.


This theme is no longer in development.

Current Release: 0.2

0.2 - Initial upload (changed scrollbars from unreleased 0.1 for more visibility).

Future Releases:

- Button Mouseover changed to be more like Emerald theme.

- Appropriate scrollbar buttons.

- Selected items in a list have different color.

(Initial Release [0.2])
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 by Guano on: Mar 25 2008
Score 50%

the emerald is ok.. but the gtk is.. i don't know.. too dark.. and with the allblack iconset, you can't see a thing! :)

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 Re: hmmm..

 by blaede22 on: Mar 25 2008
Score 50%
Cajablatech, Webspec Design

I might make a Stygian Lite if more people want me too. Personally, I like the dark GTK as it makes the experience with the Emerald theme more consistent. But I did notice that Stygian GTK is one of the darkest themes around; hence why I made it instead of suggesting someone else's theme. But who knows, I've got a lot of theming left in me, perhaps I'll make a dark gray one...

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 Gtk high contrast

 by buddho on: Jun 23 2008
Score 50%

Quite interesting. Dark theme with very high contrast can be - strangly - more relaxing, as no effort is needed to understand widgets. (I have to confess I discovered it at work on a the window's "high contrast")

Unfortunately, lists are a bit unpleasant, do not really fit the theme.

I hope you will go on working this theme! And thanks.

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 by thuban on: Jan 23 2009
Score 50%

please, continue to work on it, it seems really promising!
And dark theme are so good for the eyes and powersave!

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 Eh! wehre was this earlier?

 by kamathln on: Feb 6 2009
Score 50%

I spent days earlier trying to find something liek this.. then ended up modding and existing light theme .. look at "EasyListening Darkgray" in my artwork

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