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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%

Link:  http://
Downloads:  3006
Submitted:  May 20 2007
Updated:  Dec 12 2010


-added index file

-no longer uses svg engine. All images are now png instead of svg, eliminating several issues.
-new menu, menuline, menuitem, lines, and notebook and tabs for all sides.
-added insensitive scrollbar arrows
-fixed notebook, progressbar, ruler, slider and slider trough issues, and probably things I have not noticed. Maybe new problems too. Let me know.
-black line on Metacity buttons more visible.

-Fixed tooltips.
-Fixed Gimp Ruler. Thanks SkiesOfAzel!

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 Is great

 by ubuntico on: Dec 5 2010
Score 50%

I like it very much, thanks for sharing ;)

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 Re: Is great

 by bvc on: Dec 6 2010
Score 50%

You are welcome! Enjoy!

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 by bvc on: Dec 6 2010
Score 50%

can't get the rulers in gimp to display clearly. If anyone experiences this and has a clue how to fix it, I'd appreciate letting me know. I've tried several things, from different images to no image.

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 by aguilarojo on: Dec 6 2010
Score 50%

Really a cool and sweet theme. Easy to work with.

Could you convert Gnome windows into xfwm (the window format structure for XFCE)??

Nice work!! Thanks for posting here!!

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 Re: Scutum

 by bvc on: Dec 6 2010
Score 50%

I'm not interested in xfwm/xfce, but if someone wants to port, great! It's gpl.

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 very rad

 by terminhell on: Dec 6 2010
Score 50%

maybe a few color variants?

Crush the weak!
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 Re: very rad

 by bvc on: Dec 6 2010
Score 50%


I don't have time for color variants. Just noticed a lot of my stuff had issues after years of gtk updates/changes and wanted to update things as I found the time.

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 by johnnyg on: Dec 13 2010
Score 50%

So let us know the 'fix" for Gimp ruler! I have fought with this on many a theme! PLEASE ! BTW Love your theme! A great & bright Theme, I really think this can have MANY variations! and "built to suit" great one indeed !KUDOS!

Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition STUDIO

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 Re: ?

 by bvc on: Dec 13 2010
Score 50%

Glad you love the theme! Gimp Ruler fix is

widget "*GimpRuler" style "ruler"

Imagine that! LOL

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 Re: Re: ?

 by johnnyg on: Dec 13 2010
Score 50%

Sorry to be a pain, is that in the gtk index? and if not in the index where would it be placed!?where would one add the line!?

Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition STUDIO

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 Re: Re: Re: ?

 by bvc on: Dec 14 2010
Score 50%

No problem. It goes in the gtkrc. If you already have a style for 'ruler', either put it after the style and before the following style or put it at the very bottom of the gtkrc. Does that help?

style "ruler" = "default"
engine "pixmap" {

function = BOX
detail = "vruler"
file = "ruler.png"
border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
stretch = TRUE

function = BOX
detail = "hruler"
file = "ruler.png"
border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
stretch = TRUE

class "GtkRuler" style "ruler"
widget "*GimpRuler" style "ruler"

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: ?

 by johnnyg on: Dec 14 2010
Score 50%


Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition STUDIO

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