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NoName Fusion


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 52%
http://www.p hotofiltre-l x.org
NoName Fusion

Downloads:  1209
Submitted:  Jun 13 2008
Updated:  Jun 13 2008


This is a customized theme in production. I want a theme that is stylish but one that can match a bit better with KDE applications.

However I am not great at customizing themes so I am asking people for some help. Especially from "The Rob" if he is still here, since he is the one that started my theme off and he is in my opinion a GTK theming master.

Included in the folder below is the theme and a folder with suggested changes for future versions.

If anyone has a question about a change they don't understand just ask me to explain.

If any of the changes were implemented by someone could you send me a message, I will then update the content and give credit to you in the changelog.


0.8 - Scrollbar arrows, checkboxs and radio buttons replaced.

0.5 - Black menu and menubar removed.
- Menu prelight changed and text Colour changed. (All thanks to The Rob)

(NoName Fusion (with instructions))
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 by agenteT on: Jun 13 2008
Score 50%

Great... but, what icon's theme is this?

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 by GnomeFanatic on: Jun 13 2008
Score 50%
http://www.p hotofiltre-l x.org

The icons I use is Black and White Gloss.

They go really well with the theme.

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 Theme does not show up

 by crjackson on: Jun 19 2008
Score 50%

I installed in Ubuntu 8.04 and the theme doesn't show up in the theme selection tab of the appearance tab. I can chose to customize the current "Glossy" theme and change the window borders to "NoName" and I can change the controls to "NoName" Nothing else is there. If I try to save the Custom settings under the title of "NoName" it tells me that it's already got one with that name.

How can I get this thing to install properly so that I can select the full theme and not just a couple of parts?

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