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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 58%



Downloads:  1129
Submitted:  Jul 21 2009
Updated:  Aug 1 2009


Not only A Seven Port...
This is a clone of Windows Seven last OS.
The work is "in progress" so, please be kind; Thanks ;)

Enjoy and leave some comments please.


Metacity theme included as in preview.

Sat, August 01 - 2009
-> Changes for arrows, notebooks top tabs and Metacity improved.
-> Gnome Panel support transparency, just load any transparent image you want...

(Gtk and metacity themes)
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 Voted up

 by marcaemus on: Jul 21 2009
Score 50%

You could argue the need to copy other OS's looks for gnome (and I usually do) but this is done well so gets a vote up from me.

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Re: Voted up

 by kai100 on: Jul 21 2009
Score 50%


One copies the other...And, nevertheless, everything looks good!

i use ubuntu and this look's naked not nice!

i like it & voted good!!!


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 by marcaemus on: Jul 22 2009
Score 50%

Found a font that seems to suit this theme rather well - Museo Sans.


...when all the worlds collide.
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 by III on: Aug 2 2009
Score 50%

Hi Cris,

Done a great job as usual, but are you coming windows obsessed ;)

Windows 7 is the same old nt based formula but hey it looks great...

but we have it now!....

stuck on kde 4.3 :)

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 Re: Great

 by krig on: Aug 2 2009
Score 50%

Yeah, I'm stuck on windows for now... he, he !

I don't have time to begin a new theme, so I keep working on the lasts submitted.

Thanks, sean ;)

Have a great weekend !!!

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 by Chrispy on: Aug 2 2009
Score 50%

There did you get your version of TWF? Several seem to be spreading around.

never let your sense of moral interfere you at doing the right thing ^_^
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 Re: TWF?

 by krig on: Aug 2 2009
Score 50%

The TWF use a .glade file to print to screen, so you can use Glade Interface Designer for combining items... I done it so :)

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 by underage17 on: Dec 12 2009
Score 50%

This looks excellent.. exactly what i've bin looking for..

but i, being a newbie to ubuntu, dunno how to install this theme.. :P
seems kinda confusing..

thanx in advace..
and i'd really appreciate it if u could be a lil bit more detailed.. cuz i have no clue as to the features in ubuntu :)

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 Re: Hmm

 by krig on: Dec 14 2009
Score 50%

Glad you like it :)
You just unpack to desktop, and move the folder NoAsp to /home/yourusername/.themes
(this is a hidden folder ::: Ctrl+H in Nautilus to view hidden files) if the folder doesn't exist, create it.
that's all, change in gnome-appearance-properties.
good luck and have a nice week :)

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 Thanks.. but...

 by underage17 on: Dec 14 2009
Score 50%

Hi, thanks for that... at least it worked :P
but for some reason, my title bar isn't gettin vista/7-like... it looks the same.
it may be because of my lousy 32 meg gfx card.. but i was wondering if there IS some other configuration i need to solve that!

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 Re: Thanks.. but...

 by krig on: Dec 14 2009
Score 50%

I see... you should right-click on gnome-panel, Properties-> Background tab-> Background image radio button, and choose any transparent image for it; give a try, must work :)

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 Re: Re: Thanks.. but...

 by krig on: Dec 14 2009
Score 50%

maybe is the Metacity theme... in gnome-appearance-properties you'll find the settings for this... ;)

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 Re: Re: Thanks.. but...

 by underage17 on: Dec 14 2009
Score 50%

hmm, instead of choosing a transparent image, wont it be better to click solid color and slide the bar to transparent? either way, it isn't working..

and im not sure if i said it right.. i meant like.. the title bar of specific windows.. for example if i open firefox, the bar on top that says "Firefox".. it's not transparent, or glossy or anything.. :\ any way around that?

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