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Murrina Obsidian


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%
Murrina Obsidian

Murrina Obsidian

Murrina Obsidian

Link:  http://
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  2046
Submitted:  Feb 12 2007
Updated:  Feb 16 2007


Murrina Obsidian is a dark style theme I made. So if you like dark style themes give this one a try. Hope you like it!

Also, please leave me any comments on what I can do to improve this theme. Any ideas or random thoughts are welcome.

Window manager being used is Crystal Black for emerald. Can be found here:


Change Log
Version 001 -
Made Murrina Obsidian.
Version 002 -
Did some minor editing of menu highlights and added my Conky config.

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 rc files missing?

 by paniq on: Feb 17 2007
Score 50%

it seems you have another theme "obsidian with panel" included. that gtkrc file is including other .rc files and comes with a load of pixmaps included, but the rc files do not seem to be included and the pixmaps are unused.

is this intended?

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 I like!

 by Zhukov on: Feb 18 2007
Score 50%

I like it very much but it makes firefox unusable (with some sites, like gmail and others). If you can fix this, I don't mind ugly hacks, it would be great! :D
Cheers and congratulations on a work well done.

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 Re: I like!

 by jdzitro on: Feb 20 2007
Score 50%

i LOVE that you did this but the only thing is that all the google services' text are hard to make out in firefox.... is there something to be done with that? or are we just kina SOL?

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 Re: Re: I like!

 by Zhukov on: Feb 20 2007
Score 50%

I found a way to bypass this :)
There is another black theme here in gnome look with instructions on how to solve the firefox issue:


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 Re: Re: Re: I like!

 by fhd on: Feb 28 2007
Score 50%

Yes, a very good theme, and I love it ;)

My Firefox is perfectly usable with it.
What I did:
Edit->Settings->Content->Font Colour:
Uncheck "use system colours"

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 Great theme, but...

 by AlcoJaguar on: Mar 1 2007
Score 50%

This is by far my favorite theme so far but I do have some functional problems as someone mentioned before. Firefox is nearly unusable with the theme when it comes to site like Ubuntu Forums [http://www.ubuntuforums.org/]. There the default black in text boxes is overriden with white so the textboxes have white font one a white background and it's almost impossible to post some intelligible. Also I have a problem with OpenOffice as I'm not really big on have my documents look like they're negatives, hehe. I was wondering if there was a way to exempt certain programs from the Theme or at least change default colors for text boxes and such.

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 Re: Great theme, but

 by AlcoJaguar on: Mar 1 2007
Score 50%

I didn't expand all the replies so I missed that reply about the Neutronium Theme instructions explaining how to fix the Firefox problem. Hoping I can do the same with OpenOffice.

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 Workaround for Dark Themes

 by nokturnihs on: May 10 2010
Score 50%

This link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1219277 has worked for me since 9.04 and is still working on 10.04 Ubuntu/Xubuntu. I have almost no issues using this workaround adopting it to any apps that cause problems...

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