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Murrina Deviant Compact


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 62%
Murrina Deviant Compact

Murrina Deviant Compact

Link:  http://
Downloads:  4894
Submitted:  Apr 28 2008
Updated:  Apr 7 2009


This is an alternate color version of Murrine Compact theme I made by trying to mimic Murrina Deviant colors and look.

I made some modifications to the GTK theme too, essentially adding some more borders and removing some spacing here and there (tabs, menu items...).

Please leave comments if something's wrong, so I can try to improve it.

Hope you'll like it, and credits to the mentioned themes authors :-)


Version 1.3:
- Text entry focus is a little bit darker
- Now using button focus style introduced in Murrine Engine 0.90.3

Version 1.2:
- Removed the line underlining text on focused buttons, and actually made the focus a little bit darker to be more recognizeable.
- Fixed the problem with sliders not having their elapsed position coloured

Version 1.1:
- Theme updated to work with Murrine Engine 0.90.2.
- Tried to keep the same overall appearance, but scrollbar steppers are now unified.
- The previous version of the theme is available as a gtkrc.sav file in the package.

Version 1.0:
- Initial release

( GTK Theme + Murrine Metacity)
(Murrine Compact)
(Murrina Deviant)
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 by NTolerance on: Jul 24 2008
Score 50%

This theme is amazing. Does nearly everything right. The candystripes are cool. Colors are perfect - no issues with reading text in any program. No background image for panels so this works well when transparency is used. The Metacity theme looks great and has mouseover highlighting the caption buttons which is important. The vertical scrollbars are a bit small so I changed that with the gtkrc file. Anyways, great work on this!

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 by usucapiao on: Oct 2 2008
Score 50%

Just fit like a glove for my desktop!

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  Web2.0 style

 by cb2k on: Mar 21 2009
Score 50%

I like the old school web2 style...

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